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Genquire is a genome browser and annotation tool based on bioperl and bioperl-gui.

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25 Aug 2005 - Updated releases for Genquire

Mike Lee has released a new version of the Genquire distribution.

INSTALL GENQUIRE - Complete distribution

genquirepkg is a static tar ball of genquire and its dependencies. This version of genquire is known to work with Fedora Core 4 and Windows XP professional. Use this version if you wish to use static dependencies (contained in the directory 'gendep'). It is necessary to run '' if you require these underlying dependencies. The latest version of ActivePerl should contain them, so it is not necessary to run '' (Windows XP uses ActivePerl).

INSTALL GENQUIRE - Bleeding edge

GenquireInstaller is the updated version of the installer that dynamically downloads the latest libraries. Use this version if you wish to use the latest and greatest (most recent) dependencies.

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