JaMBW Contacts

Who is JaMBW

Team JaMBW 1.1
JaMBW is made by Scientists. Therefore JaMBW is Scientists, is Womens and Mens, is People. Always recall this when contacting them. Depending on the reason why you want / need / think to contact JaMBW, various methods are provided whose details are given in the table hereafter. Would other methods be required / available, consult the up-to-date version of this page directly at the JaMBW site.
The alphabetical list of Contributors to JaMBW 1.1, with few details on them and how contact them.

Why contact JaMBW

JaMBW had been made for Scientists, by Scientists. Its present and future is entirely up to the Scientists. Therefore, contacting JaMBW means:

How contact JaMBW

Use any of the following means to contact JaMBW:
WWWhttp://www.embl-heidelberg.de/JaMBW/See the latest version of JaMBW and download its most recent release
WebBoardhttp://www.embl-heidelberg.de/JaMBW/wwwboard/wwwboard.htmlleave a note on the WebBoard of JaMBW home page
emailtoldo@embl-heidelberg.decontact the JaMBW office
fax0049-6221-387-517quickly provide cartaceous contact to the JaMBW office
JaMBW c/o Dr. Luca I.G. TOLDO

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Computer Group

Meyerhofstr 1

69012 Heidelberg


provide cartaceous contact to the JaMBW office
QuickCamdetails of the CuSeeme reflector will be given ad-hocwould a video-conference / work group be needed.

Letters of support for the JaMBW initiative are very much appreciated and form the basis on which a long term availability of the JaMBW initiative can be provided. Please provide them in cartaceous form at the JaMBW office.