import java.awt.Desktop; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.HPos; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * Mutual Information of Biological Sequences * This module is used to take two multiple sequence alignments and determine, position by position, the mutual information between the two. Alternatively, intramolecular mutual information can be found. * @author Devin Camenares, PhD * * @version 12-15-16 * @since 1-19-16 */ /* Mutual Information of Biological Sequences Copyright (C) 2016 Devin Camenares This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ public final class MutualInfoBio extends Application { private Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); /** * This method was written by CC and modified by DJC, based upon code from StackOverflow user Kip. * It takes a string and writes it to a specified file, appending said file. * The purpose of this method is to save information and results as they are generated, reducing memory load. * * @param content The string to be written * @param file The destination file for the string output */ private void writeFile(String content, File file){ try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true)) { fw.write(content);// } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * This method was written by CC and modified by DJC, based upon code from StackOverflow user Kip. * It takes a string and writes it to a specified file, appending said file. * The purpose of this method is to save information and results as they are generated, reducing memory load. * * @param content The string to be written * @param file The destination file for the string output */ private void writeFileN(String content, File file){ try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true)) { content += "" + System.lineSeparator(); fw.write(content);// } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * This method was written by CC * * @param file The desired file to be opened. */ private void openFile(File file) { try {; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger( MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex ); } } // Configures the File Chooser, from Oracle Documentation Example 26-5 private static void configureFileChooser( final FileChooser fileChooser) { fileChooser.setTitle("View Files"); fileChooser.setInitialDirectory( new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")) ); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll( new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Plain Text", "*.txt"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("FASTA", "*.fasta"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Rich Text Format", "*.rtf"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("All Files", "*.*") ); } // Initialize All Global Variables, containers /** * Container for first file information / path */ File file1 = new File(""); /** * Container for second file information / path */ File file2 = new File(""); /** * String to hold name of the first file loaded */ public static String flName1 = ""; /** * String to hold name of the second file loaded */ public static String flName2 = ""; /** * String to hold path of the first file loaded */ public static String flPath1 = ""; /** * String to hold path of the second file loaded */ public static String flPath2 = ""; /** * Display text of the grouped protein category, representing selection of String protgr */ public static String protgrCat = "Protein, Grouped"; /** * Display text of the individual amino acid category, representing selection of string aa */ public static String aaCat = "Protein"; /** * Display text of the individual DNA residue category, representing selection of string dna */ public static String dnaCat = "DNA"; /** * Display text of the individual RNA residue category, representing selection of string rna */ public static String rnaCat = "RNA"; /** * Display text of the choice for a custom category */ public static String customCat = "Custom Category"; /** * Amino acid residue grouping based on chemical properties, separated by comma */ public static String protgr = "MC, VIAL, DE, KR, FWY, TSNQ, H, P, G, -X"; /** * Amino acid residue grouping */ public static String aa = "M, C, V, I, A, L, D, E, K, R, F, W, Y, T, S, N, Q, H, P, G, -X"; /** * DNA nucleotide residue grouping */ public static String dna = "A, G, T, C, N-"; /** * RNA nucleotide residue grouping */ public static String rna = "A, G, U, C, N-"; /** * Generic counter for determining number of residue pairs analyzed */ public static int zcount = 0; /** * Initial system time */ final long timeID = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * Initial unique ID, based on system time upon loading */ public String uniqueID = Long.toString(timeID); /** * Counter for number of sequences */ public static int seqCount = 0; /** * Selection to report the instance of each possible combination at any given residue pair */ public static boolean pairData = false; /** * Selection to signify comparison is intramolecular, and that MI should equal zero when x = y */ public static boolean intraMol = false; /** * Verification that the first file has been loaded */ public boolean chosenFile1 = false; /** * Verification that the second file has been loaded */ public boolean chosenFile2 = false; @Override public void start(final Stage stage) { stage.setTitle("Biological Mutual Information"); // Initialize Filechooser, Buttons final FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); final Button openButton1 = new Button("Open Sequence File"); final Button openButton2 = new Button("Open Sequence File"); final Button processingButton = new Button("Process File"); final Button idButton = new Button("New Unique ID"); // Initialize Gridpane final GridPane inputGridPane = new GridPane(); // Set Master Style Strings String bigText = "-fx-font: 35px Tahoma"; // Initialize Texts. Contributed by Christopher Camenares, with Modification Text lbl1 = new Text(" Sequence Collection 1 "); lbl1.setStyle(bigText); Text lbl2 = new Text(System.lineSeparator() + " Sequence Collection 2 "); lbl2.setStyle(bigText); Text lbl3 = new Text("No File Loaded"); Text lbl4 = new Text("No File Loaded"); Text lbl5 = new Text("Presets"); Text lbl6 = new Text("Presets"); Text lbl7 = new Text(System.lineSeparator() + "Output Parameters"); lbl7.setStyle(bigText); Text lbl8 = new Text("Job ID#: "); Text lbl9 = new Text(" Data Submission "); lbl9.setStyle(bigText); Text statusLbl = new Text(System.lineSeparator() + "Program Awaiting Input"); // Initialize ComboBoxes. Contributed by Christopher Camenares, with Modification final ComboBox comboBox1; comboBox1 = new ComboBox(); comboBox1.getItems().addAll(protgrCat, aaCat, dnaCat, rnaCat, customCat); comboBox1.setMinWidth(50); comboBox1.setMinHeight(25); comboBox1.setValue(protgrCat); final ComboBox comboBox2; comboBox2 = new ComboBox(); comboBox2.getItems().addAll(protgrCat, aaCat, dnaCat, rnaCat, customCat); comboBox2.setMinWidth(50); comboBox2.setMinHeight(25); comboBox2.setValue(protgrCat); HBox comboBoxSection1; comboBoxSection1 = new HBox(); comboBoxSection1.setSpacing(10); comboBoxSection1.getChildren().addAll(comboBox1); HBox comboBoxSection2; comboBoxSection2 = new HBox(); comboBoxSection2.setSpacing(10); comboBoxSection2.getChildren().addAll(comboBox2); // Initialize Text Fields, for adding Categories or JobID. Contributed by Christopher Camenares TextField txtField1; txtField1 = new TextField(); txtField1.setText("Enter Custom"); txtField1.setMinWidth(200); TextField txtField2; txtField2 = new TextField(); txtField2.setText("Enter Custom"); txtField2.setMinWidth(200); TextField txtField3; txtField3 = new TextField(); txtField3.setText(uniqueID); txtField3.setMinWidth(100); TextField txtField4; txtField4 = new TextField(); txtField4.setText("5"); txtField4.setMaxWidth(100); TextField txtField5; txtField5 = new TextField(); txtField5.setText("1"); txtField5.setMaxWidth(100); // Correction Options: APC, RCW, etc Text lbl11 = new Text("Which Data to Output:"); CheckBox chck1; chck1 = new CheckBox("Sort Scores - Default"); chck1.setSelected(true); CheckBox chck2; chck2 = new CheckBox("APC"); CheckBox chck3; chck3 = new CheckBox("RCW"); CheckBox chck5; chck5 = new CheckBox("All Pair Data"); CheckBox chck4; chck4 = new CheckBox("Triplet Calculation"); CheckBox chck6; chck6 = new CheckBox("Substract Shuffled Sequence"); CheckBox chck7; chck7 = new CheckBox("Substract Shuffled Sequence"); CheckBox chck8; chck8 = new CheckBox("Substract Shuffled Order, Iterative"); CheckBox chck9; chck9 = new CheckBox("Save Shuffled Sequences"); CheckBox chck10; chck10 = new CheckBox("Save Shuffled Sequences"); Text lbl12 = new Text("Heatmap Cell Size (Pixels):"); // Setup the Grid, Populate with items //Header 1 inputGridPane.add(lbl1, 0, 0); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl1, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(lbl1, HPos.CENTER); //Open Button 1 inputGridPane.add(openButton1, 0, 1); //Open Button 2 inputGridPane.add(openButton2, 0, 5); //Did Button 1 work? inputGridPane.add(lbl3, 1, 1); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl3, 2); //Did Button 2 work? inputGridPane.add(lbl4, 1, 5); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl4, 2); //Header 2 inputGridPane.add(lbl2, 0, 4); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl2, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(lbl2, HPos.CENTER); //Presets // inputGridPane.add(lbl5, 0, 2); //Categories 1 inputGridPane.add(comboBoxSection1, 0, 2); //Presets // inputGridPane.add(lbl6, 0, 6); //Categories 2 inputGridPane.add(comboBoxSection2, 0, 6); //Custom Categories inputGridPane.add(txtField1, 1, 2); // inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(txtField1, 2); // Shuffle DNA 1 inputGridPane.add(chck6, 0, 3); inputGridPane.add(chck9, 1, 3); // Shuffle DNA 2 inputGridPane.add(chck7, 0, 7); inputGridPane.add(chck10, 1, 7); //Custom Categories inputGridPane.add(txtField2, 1, 6); // inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(txtField2, 2); //Output inputGridPane.add(lbl7, 0, 8); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl7, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(lbl7, HPos.CENTER); //Correction inputGridPane.add(lbl11, 0, 9); inputGridPane.add(chck1, 0, 10); inputGridPane.add(chck2, 0, 11); inputGridPane.add(chck3, 0, 12); inputGridPane.add(chck5, 0, 13); //Graphics inputGridPane.add(lbl12, 1, 9); inputGridPane.add(txtField4, 1, 10); // Triplet Scoring inputGridPane.add(chck4, 1, 11); // Shuffle Organism 1 (Sufficient vs other collection) inputGridPane.add(chck8, 1, 12); // Shuffle Iteration inputGridPane.add(txtField5, 1, 13); //Submission inputGridPane.add(lbl9, 0, 14); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(lbl9, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(lbl9, HPos.CENTER); //Job ID Label inputGridPane.add(lbl8, 0, 15); inputGridPane.setHalignment(lbl8, HPos.RIGHT); //Job ID Entry inputGridPane.add(txtField3, 1, 15); //ID Button inputGridPane.add(idButton, 0, 16); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(idButton, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(idButton, HPos.CENTER); //Status Update inputGridPane.add(statusLbl, 0, 17); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(statusLbl, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(statusLbl, HPos.CENTER); //Process Button inputGridPane.add(processingButton, 0, 18); inputGridPane.setColumnSpan(processingButton, 2); inputGridPane.setHalignment(processingButton, HPos.CENTER); inputGridPane.setHgap(25); inputGridPane.setVgap(5); final Pane rootGroup = new VBox(15); rootGroup.getChildren().addAll(inputGridPane); rootGroup.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); // Button to Generate New ID idButton.setOnAction( new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { final long timeButton = System.currentTimeMillis(); txtField3.setText(Long.toString(timeButton)); } } ); // Hanlde Events for Opening File#1, read into program as String openButton1.setOnAction( new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { configureFileChooser(fileChooser); file1 = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(stage); if (file1 != null) { flName1 = file1.getName(); flPath1 = file1.getPath(); lbl3.setText(flName1); statusLbl.setText("File 1 Loaded, Awaiting File 2"); chosenFile1 = true; if (chosenFile2){ statusLbl.setText(System.lineSeparator() + "Two Files loaded, Ready to Process!"); } } } }); // Hanlde Events for Opening File#2, read into program as String openButton2.setOnAction( new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { configureFileChooser(fileChooser); file2 = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(stage); if (file2 != null) { flName2 = file2.getName(); flPath2 = file2.getPath(); lbl4.setText(flName2); statusLbl.setText("File 2 Loaded, Awaiting File 1"); chosenFile2 = true; if (chosenFile1){ statusLbl.setText(System.lineSeparator() + "Two Files loaded, Ready to Process!"); } } } }); // Hanlde Events for Calculations and Saving the File processingButton.setOnAction( new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { boolean reportMI = chck1.isSelected(); boolean reportAPC = chck2.isSelected(); boolean reportRCW = chck3.isSelected(); boolean tripletZ = chck4.isSelected(); boolean shuffleSeq1 = chck6.isSelected(); boolean shuffleSeq2 = chck7.isSelected(); boolean shuffleOrg1 = chck8.isSelected(); boolean saveShuf1 = chck9.isSelected(); boolean saveShuf2 = chck10.isSelected(); pairData = chck5.isSelected(); int processCount = 1; /** * Beginning timestamp to track processing time */ final long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Interpret category choice and identity, with user input specified String catA1 = catSwitch(comboBox1.getValue(), txtField1.getText()); String catB1 = catSwitch(comboBox2.getValue(), txtField2.getText()); // Interpret user choice regarding shuffling int shuffleIt1 = Integer.parseInt(txtField5.getText()); // Interpret user choice regarding graphical interface int pixelSize = Integer.parseInt(txtField4.getText()); // Initialize temp. string variable String reporter = ""; // Get new name for directory, initialize directory String dirName = txtField3.getText(); File dir = new File(dirName); dir.mkdir(); File dir_sub = null; String dir_subName = null; //Initalize final files /** * Recipient file for runtime and processing information */ File fileRun = new File(dirName + "\\Runtime_Info_" + dirName + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for raw MI scores from comparing collection A against collection B */ File fRawMIxy = new File(dirName + "\\rawMIxy" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for raw MI scores from comparing collection A against itself */ File fRawMIx = new File(dirName + "\\rawMIx" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for raw MI scores from comparing collection B against itself */ File fRawMIy = new File(dirName + "\\rawMIy" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for sorted MI scores from comparing collection A against collection B */ File fSortMIxy = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIxy" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for sorted MI scores from comparing collection A against itself */ File fSortMIx = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIx" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for sorted MI scores from comparing collection B against itself */ File fSortMIy = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIy" + ".txt"); // If pair data is selected, initialize the file if (pairData) { String[] tempCatA = catA1.split(", "); String[] tempCatB = catB1.split(", "); ArrayList tempCatCombo = new ArrayList<>(); for (String tempCatA1 : tempCatA) { for (String tempCatB1 : tempCatB) { tempCatCombo.add(tempCatA1 + "%" + tempCatB1); } } reporter = "\t" + "\t" + "\t"; for (String tempCatCombo1 : tempCatCombo) { reporter += tempCatCombo1 + "\t"; } writeFileN(reporter, fRawMIxy); } // Convert category string into array char[][] catA2 = formatCat(catA1); char[][] catB2 = formatCat(catB1); statusLbl.setText(System.lineSeparator() + "Processing Incomplete: Please Standby or Restart"); // End of common code for processing run // If only file 2 is selected if (file1 == null & file2 != null) { file1 = file2; file2 = null; chosenFile1 = true; chosenFile2 = false; if (shuffleSeq2 && !shuffleSeq1) { shuffleSeq1 = true; shuffleSeq2 = false; } if (saveShuf2 && !saveShuf1) { saveShuf1 = true; saveShuf2 = false; } } // If only 1 file is selected if (chosenFile1 && !chosenFile2) { intraMol = true; char[][] seqA1 = null; int[][][] seqA2 = null; seqA1 = formatFasta(file1); int countSeqA = seqCount; seqA2 = ccSeq(seqA1, catA2); double[][][] arrayMIx = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqA2, true, true, fRawMIx); drawHeatMap(arrayMIx[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIx.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); if(reportMI) { sortReport(arrayMIx[0], fSortMIx); } String res1 = ""; if(reportAPC) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\APCx"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); } if(reportRCW) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCWx"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); } // Initiate shuffle / background routine if (shuffleSeq1) { //Initialize Files /** * Recipient file for raw MI scores from comparing collection A against itself, shuffle subtracted */ dir_subName = dirName + "\\shuffleX"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); File fSortMIxShSub = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIxShuffle" + ".txt"); File fRawMIxShSub = new File(dirName + "\\rawMIxShuffle" + ".txt"); countSeqA = seqCount; char[][] seqA1s = null; double shuffleIt1D = (double)shuffleIt1; double[][][] arrayMIxS1 = arrayMIx; for (int sh = 0; sh < shuffleIt1; sh++) { File fRawMIxShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\rawMIxShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fSortMIxShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\sortedMIxShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); // Generate Shuffle, substract shuffle seqA1s = new char[seqA1.length][seqA1[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < seqA1.length; i++) { int shuffleArr[] = shuffleRandom(seqA1[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < shuffleArr.length; j++) { int newPosition = shuffleArr[j]; seqA1s[i][j] = seqA1[i][newPosition]; } } seqA2 = ccSeq(seqA1s, catA2); double[][][] arrayMIxS2 = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqA2, true, saveShuf1, fRawMIxShN); if(reportMI && saveShuf1) { sortReport(arrayMIxS2[0], fSortMIxShN); } arrayMIxS1 = average3Darr(arrayMIxS1, arrayMIxS2, sh); } arrayMIx = subtract3Darr(arrayMIx, arrayMIxS1); write2Darr(arrayMIx[0], fRawMIxShSub); drawHeatMap(arrayMIx[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIx_shuffle_subtracted.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); if(reportMI) { sortReport(arrayMIx[0], fSortMIxShSub); } res1 = ""; if(reportAPC) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\APCx_" + "_subtract_shuffle"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); } if(reportRCW) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCWx_" + "_subtract_shuffle"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); } } // Get final runtime statistics final long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long runMinutesL = (timeEnd - timeStart) / 60000; int runMinutesI = (int) runMinutesL; String runRep = "Job ID#: " + dirName; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += Long.toString(timeEnd - timeStart) + " milliseconds of processing time"; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "- or about " + Integer.toString(runMinutesI) + " minutes"; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Source file 1: " + flPath1 + ", contained " + countSeqA + " sequences, aligned to a length of " + Integer.toString(seqA2[0].length); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Analyzed with category identities: " + catA1; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += zcount + " total residue pairs analyzed"; if(shuffleSeq1) { runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += shuffleIt1 + " iterations of shuffling subtracted from sequence"; } // Save runtime information writeFile(runRep, fileRun); openFile(dir); statusLbl.setText(System.lineSeparator() + "Processing Complete! Ready for new input."); } // If both files are selected, proceed with full routine. else if (chosenFile1 && chosenFile2) { // Initialize all variables char[][] seqA1 = null; char[][] seqB1 = null; int[][][] seqA2 = null; int[][][] seqB2 = null; // Read and process file 1 seqA1 = formatFasta(file1); int countSeqA = seqCount; seqA2 = ccSeq(seqA1, catA2); // Read and process file 2 seqB1 = formatFasta(file2); int countSeqB = seqCount; seqB2 = ccSeq(seqB1, catB2); double[][][] arrayMIx = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqA2, true, true, fRawMIx); double[][][] arrayMIy = mutualInfo(seqB2, seqB2, true, true, fRawMIy); double[][][] arrayMIxy = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqB2, false, true, fRawMIxy); if(tripletZ) { /** * Recipient File for Triplet Calculations */ File fRawMIxyz = new File(dirName + "\\rawMIxyz" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient File for Triplet Calculations */ File fSortMIxyz = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIxyz" + ".txt"); double[][] arrayMIxyZ = new double[seqA2[0].length][seqB2[0].length]; arrayMIxyZ = dumdoub2Darr(arrayMIxyZ); for (int i = 0; i < arrayMIxyZ.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arrayMIxyZ[i].length; j++) { arrayMIxyZ[i][j] = arrayMIxy[0][i][j] / (arrayMIx[1][0][i] * arrayMIy[2][0][j]); if(arrayMIx[1][0][i] == 0 || arrayMIy[2][0][j] == 0) { arrayMIxyZ[i][j] = 0.0; } String zRep = Integer.toString(i + 1) + "\t" + Integer.toString(j + 1) + "\t" + String.format("%.10f", arrayMIxyZ[i][j]); writeFileN(zRep, fRawMIxyz); } } if(reportMI) { sortReport(arrayMIxyZ, fSortMIxyz); } drawHeatMap(arrayMIxyZ, dirName + "\\heatmapMIxyZ.PNG", pixelSize, "red"); } // sortReport, Draw Heatmaps if(reportMI) { sortReport(arrayMIx[0], fSortMIx); sortReport(arrayMIy[0], fSortMIy); sortReport(arrayMIxy[0], fSortMIxy); } drawHeatMap(arrayMIx[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIx.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); drawHeatMap(arrayMIy[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIy.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); drawHeatMap(arrayMIxy[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIxy.PNG", pixelSize, "green"); if(reportAPC) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\APCx"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); dir_subName = dirName + "\\APCy"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIy, dir_subName, seqB2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); dir_subName = dirName + "\\APCxy"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIxy, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); } if(reportRCW) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCWx"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCWy"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIy, dir_subName, seqB2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCWxy"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIxy, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); } // Initiate shuffle / background routine if (shuffleSeq1 || shuffleSeq2 || shuffleOrg1) { //Initialize Files /** * Recipient file for raw MI scores from comparing collection A against itself, shuffle subtracted */ dir_subName = dirName + "\\shuffleX_XY"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); File fRawMIxShSub = new File(dirName + "\\RawMIxShuffleSub" + ".txt"); File fRawMIyShSub = new File(dirName + "\\RawMIyShuffleSub" + ".txt"); File fRawMIxyShSub = new File(dirName + "\\RawMIxyShuffleSub" + ".txt"); File fSortMIxShSub = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIxShuffleSub" + ".txt"); File fSortMIyShSub = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIyShuffleSub" + ".txt"); File fSortMIxyShSub = new File(dirName + "\\sortedMIxyShuffleSub" + ".txt"); countSeqA = seqCount; char[][] seqA1s = null; char[][] seqB1s = null; double shuffleIt1D = (double)shuffleIt1; double[][][] arrayMIxS1 = new double[arrayMIx.length][][]; arrayMIxS1 = clone3Darr(arrayMIx); double[][][] arrayMIyS1 = new double[arrayMIy.length][][]; arrayMIyS1 = clone3Darr(arrayMIy); double[][][] arrayMIxyS1 = new double[arrayMIxy.length][][]; arrayMIxyS1 = clone3Darr(arrayMIxy); for (int sh = 0; sh < shuffleIt1; sh++) { File fRawMIxShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\rawMIxShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fSortMIxShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\sortedMIxShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fRawMIyShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\rawMIyShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fSortMIyShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\sortedMIyShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fRawMIxyShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\rawMIxyShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); File fSortMIxyShN = new File(dir_sub + "\\sortedMIxyShuffle_" + sh + ".txt"); // Generate Shuffle, substract shuffle seqA1s = new char[seqA1.length][seqA1[0].length]; seqB1s = new char[seqB1.length][seqB1[0].length]; if(shuffleSeq1) { for (int i = 0; i < seqA1.length; i++) { int shuffleArr[] = shuffleRandom(seqA1[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < shuffleArr.length; j++) { int newPosition = shuffleArr[j]; seqA1s[i][j] = seqA1[i][newPosition]; } } } else { seqA1s = seqA1; } if(shuffleSeq2) { for (int i = 0; i < seqB1.length; i++) { int shuffleArr[] = shuffleRandom(seqB1[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < shuffleArr.length; j++) { int newPosition = shuffleArr[j]; seqB1s[i][j] = seqB1[i][newPosition]; } } } else { seqB1s = seqB1; } int shuffSize = Math.min(seqA1.length, seqB1.length); if(shuffleOrg1) { int shuffleArr[] = shuffleRandom(shuffSize); for (int i = 0; i < shuffleArr.length; i++) { int newPosition = shuffleArr[i]; seqA1s[i] = seqA1s[newPosition]; seqB1s[i] = seqB1s[newPosition]; } } seqA2 = ccSeq(seqA1s, catA2); seqB2 = ccSeq(seqB1s, catB2); double[][][] arrayMIxS2 = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqA2, true, saveShuf1, fRawMIxShN); double[][][] arrayMIyS2 = mutualInfo(seqB2, seqB2, true, saveShuf2, fRawMIyShN); double[][][] arrayMIxyS2 = mutualInfo(seqA2, seqB2, false, (saveShuf1 || saveShuf2), fRawMIxyShN); if(reportMI && saveShuf1) { sortReport(arrayMIxS2[0], fSortMIxShN); } if(reportMI && saveShuf2) { sortReport(arrayMIyS2[0], fSortMIyShN); } if(reportMI && (saveShuf1 || saveShuf2)) { sortReport(arrayMIxyS2[0], fSortMIxyShN); } arrayMIxS1 = average3Darr(arrayMIxS1, arrayMIxS2, (sh + 1)); arrayMIyS1 = average3Darr(arrayMIyS1, arrayMIyS2, (sh + 1)); arrayMIxyS1 = average3Darr(arrayMIxyS1, arrayMIxyS2, (sh + 1)); } arrayMIx = subtract3Darr(arrayMIx, arrayMIxS1); arrayMIy = subtract3Darr(arrayMIy, arrayMIyS1); arrayMIxy = subtract3Darr(arrayMIxy, arrayMIxyS1); write2Darr(arrayMIx[0], fRawMIxShSub); write2Darr(arrayMIy[0], fRawMIyShSub); write2Darr(arrayMIxy[0], fRawMIxyShSub); drawHeatMap(arrayMIx[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIx_shuffle_subtracted.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); drawHeatMap(arrayMIy[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIy_shuffle_subtracted.PNG", pixelSize, "gray"); drawHeatMap(arrayMIxy[0], dirName + "\\heatmapMIxy_shuffle_subtracted.PNG", pixelSize, "blue"); if(reportMI) { sortReport(arrayMIx[0], fSortMIxShSub); sortReport(arrayMIy[0], fSortMIyShSub); sortReport(arrayMIxy[0], fSortMIxyShSub); } if(reportAPC) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\APC" + "_subtract_shuffle"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); apcProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); apcProcess(arrayMIy, dir_subName, seqB2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); apcProcess(arrayMIxy, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); } if(reportRCW) { dir_subName = dirName + "\\RCW" + "_subtract_shuffle"; dir_sub = new File(dir_subName); dir_sub.mkdir(); rcwProcess(arrayMIx, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqA2[0].length, pixelSize); rcwProcess(arrayMIy, dir_subName, seqB2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); rcwProcess(arrayMIxy, dir_subName, seqA2[0].length, seqB2[0].length, pixelSize); } } // Get final runtime statistics final long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long runMinutesL = (timeEnd - timeStart) / 60000; int runMinutesI = (int) runMinutesL; String runRep = "Job ID#: " + dirName; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += Long.toString(timeEnd - timeStart) + " milliseconds of processing time"; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "- or about " + Integer.toString(runMinutesI) + " minutes"; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Source file 1: " + flPath1 + ", contained " + countSeqA + " sequences, aligned to a length of " + Integer.toString(seqA2[0].length); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Analyzed with category identities: " + catA1; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Source file 2: " + flPath2 + ", contained " + countSeqB + " sequences, aligned to a length of " + Integer.toString(seqB2[0].length); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += "Analyzed with category identities: " + catB1; runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += zcount + " total residue pairs analyzed"; if(shuffleSeq1 || shuffleSeq2 || shuffleOrg1) { runRep += System.lineSeparator(); runRep += shuffleIt1 + " iterations of shuffling subtracted from sequence"; } // Save runtime information writeFile(runRep, fileRun); openFile(dir); statusLbl.setText(System.lineSeparator() + "Processing Complete! Ready for new input."); } else { txtField1.setText("Input parameters undefined"); } } }); stage.setScene(new Scene(rootGroup));; } // Main Method, Launch Program public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } // Group String Array into String, line Separator (Used for Debugging) private static String arrStr(String[] strArr){ StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) { strBuilder.append(strArr[i]); strBuilder.append(System.lineSeparator()); } String newString = strBuilder.toString(); return newString; } // Group 2D char Array into Strings, line Separator for 1st Dimension (Used for Debugging) private static String arr2Dstr(char[][] strArr){ String res = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) { String inter = new String(strArr[i]); res += inter; res += System.lineSeparator(); } return res; } // Format Sequences and Create Array; splitting by sequence; then, flip position & organism dimensions private static char[][] formatFasta(File fileA){ /** * Boolean to determine if new sequence body should be added */ boolean addBody = false; /** * Temporary container to hold or build the sequence body from lines */ String seqBody = ""; seqCount = 0; ArrayList seqArr = new ArrayList<>(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileA))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // process the line. if (line.contains(">") && addBody) { //Process preceeding sequence seqArr.add(seqBody); // Reset Parameters addBody = false; seqBody = ""; } if (line.contains(">")) { addBody = true; seqCount++; } else if (addBody) { seqBody += line.toUpperCase(); } } // This code is for the last sequence block in collection 2 if (addBody) { //Process preceeding sequence seqArr.add(seqBody); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } char[][] seqC = new char[seqArr.size()][]; int[] lenB = new int[seqArr.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < seqArr.size(); i++) { seqC[i] = seqArr.get(i).toCharArray(); lenB[i] = seqC[i].length; } int maxLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lenB.length; i++) { if (lenB[i] > maxLen) { maxLen = lenB[i]; } } // Flip array char[][] seqD = new char[maxLen][seqC.length]; for (int i = 0; i < seqC.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < seqC[i].length; j++) { seqD[j][i] = seqC[i][j]; } } return seqD; } // Process Category String into Groups and Identity Double Array. private static char[][] formatCat(String catA){ // Find the number of categories or groups to be analyzed, Collection A int catlenA = catA.length() - catA.replace(",", "").length() + 1; // Split the category A string, by category, into separate arrays String[] catB = catA.split(", "); // Within category A array, sub-split any identities that are to be considered equal char[][] catC = new char[catB.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < catB.length; i++) { catC[i] = catB[i].toCharArray(); } return catC; } // Determine Category String to use, Based on User Choise private static String catSwitch(String choice, String userI){ String res = new String(); switch (choice) { case "Protein, Grouped": res = protgr; break; case "Protein": res = aa; break; case "DNA": res = dna; break; case "RNA": res = rna; break; case "Custom Category": res = userI; break; } return res; } // Subroutine for converting sequence string based on categories // Label sequence identity according to category groups, Count instances private static int[][][] ccSeq(char[][] seq, char[][] cat){ int[][] seq1 = new int[seq.length][seq[0].length]; int[][] obs1 = new int[seq.length][cat.length]; for (int i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < seq[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < cat.length; k++) { for (int m = 0; m < cat[k].length; m++) { if (seq[i][j] == cat[k][m]) { seq1[i][j] = k; obs1[i][k] += 1; } } } } } int[][][] res = new int[2][seq1.length][obs1.length]; res[0] = seq1; res[1] = obs1; return res; } /** * Takes a sequence set and an observed count and determines the frequency * @param combo A 3D dimensional array: the first dimension splits between the sequence identity and the observed count 2D arrays. * @return */ private static double[][] oFreq(int[][][] combo){ double[][] res = new double[combo[1].length][combo[1][0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < combo[1].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < combo[1][i].length; j++) { int calc = (combo[1][i][j] * 1000) / (combo[0][i].length); double calc2 = (double) calc; calc2 = calc2 / 1000.0; res[i][j] = calc2; } }; return res; } /** * MutualInfo Method: Calculate MI for all pairs across two sets of biological data * @param seq1 The 2nd sequence collection * @param seq2 The first sequence collection * @param intraMol Trigger switch to determine if diagonals (i = j) are ignored. * @param saveIt Trigger switch to determine if the results are saved * @param resFile File to which the information is saved * @return A 3D array; In first dimension, 0 = MI scores(2D), 1,0 = Row sums(1D), 2,0 = Col sums(1D), 3,0,0 = total sum(0D) */ private double[][][] mutualInfo(int[][][] seq1, int[][][] seq2, boolean intraMol, boolean saveIt, File resFile) { // BEGIN BLOCK FOR MI METHOD double[][] pX = null; double[][] pY = null; pX = oFreq(seq1); pY = oFreq(seq2); double[] sumMIi = new double[seq1[0].length]; double[] sumMIj = new double[seq2[0].length]; sumMIi = dumdoub1Darr(sumMIi); sumMIj = dumdoub1Darr(sumMIj); double sumMIij = 0.0; double[][] arrayMImet = new double[seq1[0].length][seq2[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < seq1[0].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < seq2[0].length; j++) { double ijMI = 0.0; // Find and Report raw MI ijMI = miIJ(seq1[0][i], seq2[0][j], pX[i], pY[j], i, j, saveIt, resFile); if(intraMol && i == j) { ijMI = 0.0; } // Add MI to Arrays for Later Processing arrayMImet[i][j] += ijMI; // Add to sumMIi array sumMIi[i] += ijMI; // Add to sumMIj array sumMIj[j] += ijMI; // Add to overall total sumMIij += ijMI; // Add to counter zcount++; } } double[][][] resArray = new double[4][][]; resArray[1] = new double[1][]; resArray[2] = new double[1][]; resArray[0] = arrayMImet; resArray[1][0] = sumMIi; resArray[2][0] = sumMIj; resArray[3] = new double[1][1]; resArray[3][0][0] = sumMIij; return resArray; } /** * miIJ: Calculates the Mutual Information between two residue pairs, I & J * @param seq1 The collection of identities from the MSA for the 1st residue * @param seq2 The collection of identities from the MSA for the 2nd residue * @param pX The probabilities for the identities for the 1st residue * @param pY The probabilities for the identities for the 2nd residue * @param iA The 1st residue position, used for reporting purposes * @param jB The 1st residue position, used for reporting purposes * @param resFile The file location to which pair data information is written * @return The mutual information score, give as a whole number or fraction */ private double miIJ(int[] seq1, int[] seq2, double[] pX, double[] pY, int iA, int jB, boolean saveIt, File resFile) { int[][] obsXY = new int[pX.length][pY.length]; //Initialize the obsXY array for (int i = 0; i < obsXY.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < obsXY[i].length; j++) { obsXY[i][j] = 0; } } double ijMI = 0.0; int minLen = Math.min(seq1.length, seq2.length); double[][] pXY = new double[pX.length][pY.length]; for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { int x = seq1[i]; int y = seq2[i]; obsXY[x][y] += 1; }; for (int k = 0; k < obsXY.length; k++) { for (int m = 0; m < obsXY[k].length; m++) { double calc1 = (double) obsXY[k][m]; double calc2 = (double) minLen; pXY[k][m] = calc1 / calc2; } } for (int x = 0; x < pX.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < pY.length; y++) { double xyMI = 0.0; double dpX = (double) pX[x]; double dpY = (double) pY[y]; double pXpY = dpX * dpY; if (pXpY > 0.0 && pXY[x][y] > 0.0) { xyMI = pXY[x][y] * Math.log(pXY[x][y] / pXpY); } else { xyMI = 0.0; } if (intraMol && x == y) { xyMI = 0.0; } ijMI += xyMI; } } String reporter = Double.toString(ijMI); String res1 = Integer.toString(iA + 1) + "\t" + Integer.toString(jB + 1) + "\t" + String.format("%.10f", ijMI); if (pairData) { res1 += "\t"; for (int q = 0; q < obsXY.length; q++) { for (int s = 0; s < obsXY[q].length; s++) { res1 += obsXY[q][s] + "\t"; } } } if(saveIt) { writeFileN(res1, resFile); } return ijMI; } private static double[] dumdoub1Darr (double[] arr){ for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = 0.0; } return arr; } private static double[][] dumdoub2Darr (double[][] arr){ for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { arr[i][j] = 0.0; } } return arr; } /** * A method for taking an array and sorting, from highest value to lowest, and returning a sorted matrix * @param arr The array to be sorted * @return A multidimensional array, with the first dimension containing the scores, i-th positions, and j-th positions, in that order as doubles */ private double[][] sortArr (double[][] arr){ int totalArrSize = 0; //Find Min double arrMin = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { totalArrSize++; arrMin = Math.min(arrMin, arr[i][j]); } } String[] arrS = new String[totalArrSize]; // Boost by minimum, to ensure all values are positive for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { arr[i][j] -= arrMin; } } int z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { arrS[z] = String.format("%.10f", arr[i][j]) + "\t" + (i + 1) + "\t" + (j + 1); // rep = Double.toString(arr[i][j]); // arrS[z] = rep + "\t" + i + "\t" + j; z++; } } Arrays.sort(arrS); double[][] res = new double[3][arrS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arrS.length; i++) { String[] arrStemp = arrS[i].split("\t"); res[0][i] = Double.parseDouble(arrStemp[0]) + arrMin; res[1][i] = Double.parseDouble(arrStemp[1]); res[2][i] = Double.parseDouble(arrStemp[2]); } return res; } /** * A simple method for sorting and reporting an Array, used to eliminate the need to return large array values just to record them * @param arr The array to be sorted * @param resFile The file to which the results will be written */ private void sortReport (double[][] arr, File resFile){ double[][] sorted = sortArr(arr); int totalArrSize = sorted[0].length; for (int i = totalArrSize - 1; i > 0; i--) { String temp = String.format("%.10f", sorted[0][i]) + "\t" + String.format("%.0f", sorted[1][i]) + "\t" + String.format("%.0f", sorted[2][i]); writeFileN(temp, resFile); } } /** * A method for drawing a filled square * This method will take X and Y starting positions and draw a square of a specified size and color * @param img The image object to which the square will be drawn * @param size The size of the square * @param xStart The starting X coordinate * @param yStart The starting Y coordinate * @param color The square color, as a RBG int */ private static void fillSq (BufferedImage img, int size, int xStart, int yStart, int color) { size += 1; int xEnd = xStart + size; int yEnd = yStart + size; for (int i = xStart; i < xEnd; i++) { for (int j = yStart; j < yEnd; j++) { img.setRGB(i, j, color); } } } /** * Method for drawing a 2D heatmap from array values * @param arr The 2D double array for which the values and size will be used for the heatmap * @param fileName The name for the destination file for the heatmap * @param scale The scale for the heatmap, in terms of square pixels per data point. */ private static void drawHeatMap (double[][] arr, String fileName, int scale, String colorChoice) { int totXsize = arr.length; int totYsize = 0; double arrMax = 0; double arrMin = 10000; // Find max, min score value, max Y size for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { totYsize = Math.max(arr[i].length, totYsize); for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { arrMax = Math.max(arrMax, arr[i][j]); arrMin = Math.min(arrMin, arr[i][j]); } } arrMax -= arrMin; double normFactor = 255 / arrMax; int[][] normScore = new int[totXsize][totYsize]; // Normalize score for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { double tempScore = arr[i][j]; tempScore -= arrMin; tempScore *= normFactor; normScore[i][j] = 255; normScore[i][j] -= (int) tempScore; } } totXsize++; totXsize *= scale; totYsize++; totYsize *= scale; // Normalize / categorize sccores BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(totXsize, totYsize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); int posX = 0; int posY = 0; int red = 65536; int green = 256; int blue = 1; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { // default is gray int color = (red * normScore[i][j]) + (green * normScore[i][j]) + (blue * normScore[i][j]); switch (colorChoice) { case "red": color = (red * 255) + (green * normScore[i][j]) + (blue * normScore[i][j]); break; case "green": color = (red * normScore[i][j]) + (green * 255) + (blue * normScore[i][j]); break; case "blue": color = (red * normScore[i][j]) + (green * normScore[i][j]) + (blue * 255); break; case "gray": color = (red * normScore[i][j]) + (green * normScore[i][j]) + (blue * normScore[i][j]); break; } fillSq(img, scale, posX, posY, color); posY += scale; } posX += scale; posY = 0; } try { ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", new File(fileName)); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MutualInfoBio.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Method for generating an array that represents a random, shuffled order of another array (that can be used to shuffle several arrays in the same way) * @param size The size of the array that needs a shuffle order * @return The array with the order listed */ private int[] shuffleRandom (int size) { int[] resArr = new int[size]; double[] randomArr1 = new double[size]; double[] randomArr2 = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < randomArr1.length; i++) { double randomNum = Math.random(); // Check to make sure random number isn't a duplicate of value already present for (int j = 0; j < randomArr1.length; j++) { if (randomNum == randomArr1[j]) { randomNum = Math.random(); j = 0; } } randomArr1[i] = randomNum; randomArr2[i] = randomNum; }; Arrays.sort(randomArr2); for (int i = 0; i < resArr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < randomArr1.length; j++) { if (randomArr1[j] == randomArr2[i]) { resArr[i] = j; } } } return resArr; } /** * Method is designed to apply the APC correction factor on a set of mutual information data * @param arrayMI The mutual information array to be corrected * @param sumMIi An array with the sum of each row * @param sumMIj An array with the sum of each column * @param sumMIij The overall sum of the mutual information double array * @param dirName The name of the directory to place the files generated * @param size The size of the arrayMI * @param pixelSize The size of the pixels in the heatmap * @param processCount The iteration of this process, for use in naming files */ private void apcProcess (double[][][] arrayMI, String dirName, int size1, int size2, int pixelSize) { double[] sumMIi = arrayMI[1][0]; double[] sumMIj = arrayMI[2][0]; double sumMIij = arrayMI[3][0][0]; /** * Recipient file for Raw APC scores, comparing collection B and A */ File fRawAPC = new File(dirName + "\\APC_raw" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for sorted APC scores, comparing collection A against itself */ File fSortAPC = new File(dirName + "\\APC_sorted" + ".txt"); // Calculate raw APC values and Report as String String res1 = ""; double[][] arrayAPCx = new double[size1][size2]; // Fill with dummy values arrayAPCx = dumdoub2Darr(arrayAPCx); for (int i = 0; i < arrayMI[0].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arrayMI[0][i].length; j++) { // Make APC Adjustments double adjAPC = (sumMIi[i] * sumMIj[j]) / sumMIij; if(sumMIij == 0.0) { adjAPC = 0.0; } arrayAPCx[i][j] = arrayMI[0][i][j] - adjAPC; res1 = Integer.toString(i) + "\t" + Integer.toString(j) + "\t" + String.format("%.10f", arrayAPCx[i][j]); writeFileN(res1, fRawAPC); } } sortReport(arrayAPCx, fSortAPC); drawHeatMap(arrayAPCx, dirName + "\\heatmap" + ".PNG", pixelSize, "blue"); } private void rcwProcess(double[][][] arrayMI, String dirName, int size1, int size2, int pixelSize) { double[] sumMIi = arrayMI[1][0]; double[] sumMIj = arrayMI[2][0]; double sumMIij = arrayMI[3][0][0]; /** * Recipient file for Raw APC scores, comparing collection B and A */ File fRawRCW = new File(dirName + "\\RCW_raw" + ".txt"); /** * Recipient file for sorted APC scores, comparing collection A against itself */ File fSortRCW = new File(dirName + "\\RCW_sorted" + ".txt"); double[][] arrayRCW = new double[size1][size2]; // Fill with dummy values arrayRCW = dumdoub2Darr(arrayRCW); // Calculate raw RCW values and Report as String String res1 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < arrayMI[0].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arrayMI[0][i].length; j++) { // Make RCW Adjustments double adjRCW = (sumMIi[i] + sumMIj[j]) / 2.0; if(adjRCW != 0.0) { arrayRCW[i][j] = arrayMI[0][i][j] / adjRCW; } else { arrayRCW[i][j] = 0.0; } res1 = Integer.toString(i) + "\t" + Integer.toString(j) + "\t" + String.format("%.10f", arrayRCW[i][j]); writeFileN(res1, fRawRCW); } } sortReport(arrayRCW, fSortRCW); drawHeatMap(arrayRCW, dirName + "\\heatmap" + ".PNG", pixelSize, "red"); } /** * Subtract one 3D double array by another. * @param arr1 The 1st array * @param arr2 The 2nd array * @return The transformed array */ private static double[][][] subtract3Darr(double[][][] arr1, double[][][] arr2) { for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr1[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < arr1[i][j].length; k++) { arr1[i][j][k] -= arr2[i][j][k]; } } } return arr1; } /** * Method for taking two 3D double arrays and averaging them together, using a weight factor to allow iteration in code. * @param arr1 The first array * @param arr2 The second array * @param weight The weighting to apply to the first array * @return The averaged values */ private static double[][][] average3Darr(double[][][] arr1, double[][][] arr2, int weight) { for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr1[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < arr1[i][j].length; k++) { double weightD = (double)weight; arr1[i][j][k] = ((arr1[i][j][k] * weightD) + arr2[i][j][k]) / (weightD + 1); } } } return arr1; } private static double[][][] clone3Darr(double[][][] arr) { double[][][] arr2 = new double[arr.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { double[][] arr2i = new double[arr[i].length][]; for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { double[] arr2j = new double[arr[i][j].length]; for (int k = 0; k < arr[i][j].length; k++) { double arr2k = arr[i][j][k]; arr2j[k] = arr2k; } arr2i[j] = arr2j; } arr2[i] = arr2i; } return arr2; } private void write2Darr(double[][] arr, File file1) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) { String zRep = Integer.toString(i + 1) + "\t" + Integer.toString(j + 1) + "\t" + String.format("%.10f", arr[i][j]); writeFileN(zRep, file1); } } } }