Table of Contents

Class: Organism Bio/GA/

Represent a single individual in a population.


  • genome -- The genome of the organism. This is a Bio.MutableSeq object that has the sequence of the genome, and the alphabet describing all elements that can be a part of the genome.

  • fitness -- The calculate fitness of the organism. This fitness is based on the last time it was calculated using the fitness_calculator. So... the fitness could potentially be out of date with the real genome if you are not careful to recalculate it after changes with recalculate_fitness()

__cmp__ ( self,  other )

Define comparisons for organisms.

Compare organisms by their genomes.

__init__ (

Initialize an organism


  • genome -- A MutableSeq object representing the sequence of the genome.

  • fitness_calculator -- A funtion that will calculate the fitness of the organism when given the organisms genome.

  • start_fitness - the starting fitness corresponding with the given genome. If not supplied, the fitness will be calculated using fitness_calculator.

__str__ ( self )

Provide a string output for debugging.

copy ( self )

Return a copy of the organism.

This makes it easy to duplicate an organism before changing it.

recalculate_fitness ( self )

Calculate and reset the fitness of the current genome

This should be called after the genome is updated to ensure that fitness always stays in sync with the current genome.

Table of Contents

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