Table of Contents

Class: Record Bio/GenBank/

Hold GenBank information in a format similar to the original record.

The Record class is meant to make data easy to get to when you are just interested in looking at GenBank data.

Attributes: o locus - The name specified after the LOCUS keyword in the GenBank record. This may be the accession number, or a clone id or something else. o size - The size of the record. o residue_type - The type of residues making up the sequence in this record. Normally something like RNA, DNA or PROTEIN, but may be as esoteric as ss-RNA circular. o data_file_division - The division this record is stored under in GenBank (ie. PLN -> plants; PRI -> humans, primates; BCT -> bacteria...) o date - The date of submission of the record, in a form like 28-JUL-1998 o accession - list of all accession numbers for the sequence. o nid - Nucleotide identifier number. o pid - Proteint identifier number o version - The accession number + version (ie. AB01234.2) o db_source - Information about the database the record came from o gi - The NCBI gi identifier for the record. o keywords - A list of keywords related to the record. o segment - If the record is one of a series, this is info about which segment this record is (something like 1 of 6). o source - The source of material where the sequence came from. o organism - The genus and species of the organism (ie. Homo sapiens) o taxonomy - A listing of the taxonomic classification of the organism, starting general and getting more specific. o references - A list of Reference objects. o comment - Text with any kind of comment about the record. o features - A listing of Features making up the feature table. o base_counts - A string with the counts of bases for the sequence. o origin - A string specifying info about the origin of the sequence. o sequence - A string with the sequence itself. o contig - A string of location information for a CONTIG in a RefSeq file.

__init__ ( self )

__str__ ( self )

Provide a GenBank formatted output option for a Record.

The objective of this is to provide an easy way to read in a GenBank record, modify it somehow, and then output it in GenBank format. We are striving to make this work so that a parsed Record that is output using this function will look exactly like the original record.

Much of the output is based on format description info at:

_accession_line ( self )

Output for the ACCESSION line.

_base_count_line ( self )

Output for the BASE COUNT line with base information.

_comment_line ( self )

Output for the COMMENT lines.

_contig_line ( self )

Output for CONTIG location information from RefSeq.

_db_source_line ( self )

Output for DBSOURCE line.

_definition_line ( self )

Provide output for the DEFINITION line.

_features_line ( self )

Output for the FEATURES line.

_keywords_line ( self )

Output for the KEYWORDS line.

_locus_line ( self )

Provide the output string for the LOCUS line.

_nid_line ( self )

Output for the NID line. Use of NID is obsolete in GenBank files.

_organism_line ( self )

Output for ORGANISM line with taxonomy info.

_origin_line ( self )

Output for the ORIGIN line

_pid_line ( self )

Output for PID line. Presumedly, PID usage is also obsolete.

_segment_line ( self )

Output for the SEGMENT line.

_sequence_line ( self )

Output for all of the sequence.

_source_line ( self )

Output for SOURCE line on where the sample came from.

_version_line ( self )

Output for the VERSION line.

Table of Contents

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