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Class: Residues Bio/SCOP/

A collection of residues from a PDB structure.

This class provides code to work with SCOP domain definitions. These are concisely expressed as a one or more chain fragments. For example, "(1bba A:10-20,B:)" indicates residue 10 through 20 (inclusive) of chain A, and every residue of chain B in the pdb structure 1bba. The pdb id and brackets are optional. In addition "-" indicates every residue of a pbd structure with one unnamed chain.

Start and end residue ids consist of the residue sequence number and an optional single letter insertion code. e.g. "12", "-1", "1a", "1000"

An optional PDB id, e.g. "1bba"
A sequence of tuples (chainID, startResID, endResID)
__init__ ( self,  str=None )

__str__ ( self )

_parse ( self,  str )

SyntaxError, "I don't understand the chain in %s" % l
SyntaxError, "I don't understand the format of %s" % l

Table of Contents

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