Human Prostrate Cancer Hallmarks Map

ProteinProtein NameMolecular TypeHallmarkFeatureEvidenceReference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinSelf-Sufficiency in Growth SignalCell ProliferationLeupaxin(LPXN) knock down significantly reduces proliferation rate of LNCaP cells.Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinGenome Instability, Mutation & PerturbationOverexpressionLeupaxin(LPXN) mRNA is overexpressed in human prostate cancer and expression intensities strongly correlates with gleason score.Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinMetastasisCell InvasionPlays a crucial role in prostate cancer cell invasion through transcriptional coactivation of AR in androgen independent prostate cancer cell line.Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinMetastasisCell InvasionLeupaxin(LPXN) is involved in prostate cancer invasion in TRAMP mice (transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate) model via downregulation of cell-cell adhesion protein p120catenin (p120CTN).Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinMetastasisCell MotilityLeupaxin(LPXN) is involved in prostate cancer cell migration through coacivator of Androgen receptor(AR) dependent way in LNCaP cell line.Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinMetastasisCell AdhesionMediates prostate cancer cell adhesion in androgen dependent and independent cell line.Reference
LPXNLeupaxinAdaptor ProteinMetastasisCell Migration(LPXN) regulates prostate cancer cell migration through the complex formation with Pyk2, c-Src, and PTP-PEST in androgen independent prostate cancer cell line PC-3.Reference
