Human Prostrate Cancer Hallmarks Map

ProteinProtein NameMolecular TypeHallmarkFeatureEvidenceReference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinMetastasisEpithelial Mesenchymal Transition(EMT)Loss of DAB2IP is associated with prostate cancer epithelial mesenchymal transition , supported by experiments on human prostate xenograft-mouse model.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceChemoresistanceIts loss of expression contributes to docetaxel resistance in androgen dependent prostate cancer cell line.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceRadioresistanceLoss of DAB2IP imparts prostate cancer cells to ionizing radiation resistance in androgen independent prostate cancer cell line.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceAutophagyIt has a role in suppression of autophagy in androgen dependent & independent prostate cancer cell line.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCastration ResistanceCastration ResistanceLoss of DAB2IP expression, which functions as a key tumour suppressor in human prostate cancer, plays a very crucial role in promotion of castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) through mediating chemoresistance.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceApoptosis EvasionDAB2IP, an important tumour suppressor which is lost during the progression of prostate cancer, reprograms intracellular signal transduction and inhibits prostate cancer apoptosis. Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceRadioresistanceDAB2IP, a potential tumor suppressor gene, is targeted by MiR-32 (overexpressed in human prostate cancer) and mediates radiation resistance in prostate cancer patially through suppression of autophagy related pathways.Reference
DAB2IPDAB2 interacting proteinRas GTPase-activating proteinCell Death ResistanceAutophagyDAB2IP, a potential tumor suppressor gene which is largely inactivated in human prostate cancer, plays a very critical role in suppression of autophagy pathways in prostate cancer and in these context, MiR-32 overexpressed in human prostate cancer and mediates an important regulatory role.Reference
