Listing by FirstGlance in Jmol.
Salt bridges involving ligands+ or nucleic acids can be visualized using Contacts & Non-Covalent Interactions.. or Ends.. (Tools tab).

Salt bridges are defined here as oppositely charged atoms ≤4.0 Å apart

(Jeffrey, George A., An introduction to hydrogen bonding. Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. Page 192.)

This tab-delimited list, saved as a text file, can be imported into a spreadsheet for sorting (see details at bottom below).
Save the file as text. Drag and drop it onto the spreadsheet icon, or File, Import.
(To save this page so it can be viewed in a web browser, File, Save As, Web Page, Complete.)

Count = Number of nitrogen atoms engaged in salt bridges, including those with alternate locations.
   (The atom count in the lower left panel in FirstGlance excludes atoms with alternate locations.)
SeqNo = Sequence Number.
Ins = Insertion Code for sequence number (usually blank).
Chain: Oxygen anion chain is Bold* for between-chain bridges.
   SIDECHAINS: OD = Oxygen Delta; NE, OE = Nitrogen or Oxygen Epsilon; NH = Nitrogen Eta; NZ = Nitrogen Zeta.
   CHAIN TERMINI: N, O, OXT are main chain atoms. (C for C-termini lacking 1 oxygen: more information.)
AltLoc = Alternate Location ID (usually blank).
DIST = Distance in Å between salt-bridged atoms.
   When the C-terminus lacks one oxygen: distance between the cationic nitrogen and the terminal carboxy carbon.

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Count Group1 SeqNo1 Ins1 Chain1 Atom1 AltLoc1 Group2 SeqNo2 Ins2 Chain2 Atom2 AltLoc2
1 PRO 1 A N 4.0 PHE 99 B* O End to end. Between chains.* 1 PRO 1 A N 2.5 PHE 99 B* OXT End to end. Between chains.* 2 ARG 8 A NE 3.2 ASP 29 B* OD1 Between chains.* 2 ARG 8 A NE 3.9 ASP 29 B* OD2 Between chains.* 3 ARG 8 A NH2 3.8 ASP 29 B* OD2 Between chains.* 4 LYS 14 A NZ 3.8 GLU 65 A OE2 5 LYS 20 A NZ 2.9 GLU 34 A OE2 6 LYS 43 A NZ 4.0 ASP 60 A OD2 7 ARG 57 A NH1 2.8 GLU 35 A OE1 7 ARG 57 A NH1 3.0 GLU 35 A OE2 8 ARG 57 A NH2 3.3 GLU 35 A OE1 9 ARG 87 A NH2 3.2 ASP 29 A OD1
10 PRO 1 B N 2.5 PHE 99 A* O End to end. Between chains.* 11 ARG 8 B NE 3.0 ASP 29 A* OD1 Between chains.* 11 ARG 8 B NE 3.6 ASP 29 A* OD2 Between chains.* 12 ARG 8 B NH2 3.7 ASP 29 A* OD1 Between chains.* 12 ARG 8 B NH2 2.8 ASP 29 A* OD2 Between chains.* 13 LYS 45 B NZ 3.8 ASP 30 B OD2 14 ARG 57 B NH1 2.9 GLU 35 B OE1 14 ARG 57 B NH1 3.1 GLU 35 B OE2 15 ARG 57 B NH2 3.7 GLU 35 B OE2 16 LYS 70 B NZ 2.8 GLU 65 B OE1 17 ARG 87 B NE 3.8 ASP 29 B OD1 18 ARG 87 B NH2 2.9 ASP 29 B OD1
Average distance between 24 salt-bridged atom pairs: 3.3 Å.
(Minimum 2.5, Maximum 4.0)

* 10 atom pairs in salt bridges between chains (inter-chain salt bridges).
24 total atom pairs in salt bridges.
5 atom pairs in salt bridges containing charged protein chain terminus atoms.
EXCEL suggestions:
- Save this page as text. Drag and drop it onto the spreadsheet icon, or File, Import.
- Delete text above and below the table of columns.
- Auto-set all column widths: Select entire sheet (Ctrl-A or Cmd-A), double click on any
column boundary in the row of column letters at the top.
- Delete blank rows: Select the Group1 column (click on column B at the top).
In the Home tab, open Find & Select, click on Go to Special...,
check Blanks, OK. Right click on a selected cell, Delete..., Entire row.
- Delete all asterisks (*): Edit menu at top, Find..., Replace....
Enter ~* (tilde asterisk) in the Find slot, and nothing in the Replace slot. Replace all.