For FG4.3, I discovered that, contrary to other classes of targ/cont terms, // ~targ_catpi is both target cations and outside rings, // ~cont_catpi is both outside cations and target rings. Therefore I defined ~catpi_in_target and ~catpi_contacting_target. 4.3: Fixed a bug that clicking the contacts catpi checkbox failed to make correct ~cont_catpi in makeContactsViewSpt() (scripts.js). --------------------- For comparisions of the results of the new vs. old routines, see residue-by-residue analyses in catpi.docx. catPiSBNow and preContactsNow are external variables (from doViewLink). --------------------- The old code found cations and rings where the 3 key ring atoms were within 6 of ANY cations. The cations could be multiple residues, so that no single cation residue was within 6 of all 3 key ring atoms. Result was display of a ring with no cation. This case showed a ring with no nearby cation. Example: Tyr6 in 4enl. The 3 key ring atoms in Tyr6 are within 6 of Lys4 or Arg8, but no atoms in those cationic residues are within 6 of all 3 key ring atoms. This case showed Arg141:A and :C unpaired with rings. The new code finds cation candidates and then verifies each one by looping through the nearby rings one ring at a time to see if any single ring has all 3 key atoms within 6. Unpaired residues disappeared with new code. The trick was to learn how to loop per residue. Could be done either with *.ca or groupindex (unique index number per residue). I chose groupindex in case of the unlikely possibility that a residue with cation atoms might be missing its alpha carbon. See test scripts in molvis/jmol_tests/loop-per-residue/ BUT the new code gets very slow for large structures. Thus I decided to use the old code when >10,000 atoms, and the new code only when fewer (about 90% of entries). Seconds* Report Protein ––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––– PDBId Atoms kDa Old Code New Code Cations Rings NTermini ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6mt3 4K 42 10 10 1 2v61 9K 104 5.4 17 16 0 2cvo 12K 142 6.5,6.5 11 15 0 5ibx 17K 196 5.3,4.8§ 15.7,12.8,13 24 32 0 7.5¶ 7ahl 23K 220 4.9 20.4 36 33 7 11.2,10.6¶ 6n0x 31K 216 22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– * With 'Report Elapsed Times' on, from "doViewLink(makeCatPiSBSpt()) starting (jcontrol.js)" to "BUSY-OFF from scriptToJmol() (consurf/msgcall.js)". § Replicate measurements. ¶ With per-residue code for ends only. FOR OTHER PDB ENTRY SIZES SEE PROTEOPEDIA JSMOL NOTES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tools tab link calls makeCatPiSBSpt() (scripts.js) and makeCatPiSBHelp() (help.js). The detection is done by setting selectedFound to ((lys,arg) and not backbone) + N-termini (in makeCatPiSBSpt()) and then calling makeDefineContactsSpt() which is used both for SB/CatPi and for Contacts. The controls in the CatPiSB help panel call renderCatPiSB() (scripts.js) which calls makeRenderCatPiSBSpt() The original code for catpi detection was flawed (but fast). It detects some pairs that are invalid and also detects some unpaired cations or rings: see example in catpi.docx. For FGiJ 3.0, new code fixes that bug by looping per residue. But the new code is slow. So new code is used only when the total non-H atoms <= 12K allAtomNonHM1C1Count <= catPiLimitNewAlgorithm For larger models, the old buggy fast code is still used, but the help displays an option to re-detect catpi with more accurate code, which uses reDetectCatPi() which sets detectCatPiPerResidueOnce = true; and then calls madeCatPiSBSpt2() NOTE THE 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD CODE USED PRIOR TO FGIJ 3.0 (NOW USED ONLY FOR LARGE MODELS). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATION PI CONTACTS // cation sidechains outside target "select (~outside_contarget and (lys.ce,,, " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1))) " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2))) " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (trp.cz3,,;\n" + "define ~ocatpi0 selected;\n" + // ~ocatpi0 = catpi nitrogen cations. // pi rings "select (~outside_contarget and (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1) " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (lys.ce,,,; \ select within(group, selected);\n\ define ~ocatpi1 selected;\n" + "select ~ocatpi1 and (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2) " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (lys.ce,,,;\n\ select within(group, selected);\n\ define ~ocatpi2 selected;\n" + "select ~ocatpi2 and (trp.cz3,, " + "and within(6.0, (~contarget and (lys.ce,,,;\n" + "select within(group, selected);\n" + "define ~ocatpi3 selected;\n" + // catpi aromatic residues are now selected. // Next, restrict selection to 6-carbon rings. "select selected and (trp.cd2,trp.ce?,,, " + ",,phe.ce?,, " + ",,tyr.ce?,;\n\ select selected or ~ocatpi0;\n\ define ~cont_catpi_noends selected;\n" + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATION PI TARGETS // cation sidechains in target "select (~contarget and (lys.ce,,, " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1))) " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2))) " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (trp.cz3,,;\n" + "define ~tcatpi0 selected;\n" + // pi rings "select (~contarget and (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1) " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (lys.ce,,,; \ select within(group, selected);\n\ define ~tcatpi1 selected;\n" + "select ~tcatpi1 and (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2) " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (lys.ce,,,;\n\ select within(group, selected);\n\ define ~tcatpi2 selected;\n" + "select ~tcatpi2 and (trp.cz3,, " + "and within(6.0, (~outside_contarget and (lys.ce,,,;\n\ select within(group, selected);\n" + "define ~tcatpi3 selected;\n" + // target ring residues selected // next narrow to 6 carbon rings "select selected and (trp.cd2,trp.ce?,,, " + ",,phe.ce?,, " + ",,tyr.ce?,;\n\ select selected or ~tcatpi0;\n\ define ~targ_catpi_noends selected;\n" + // GATHER CATPI GROUPS "select ~cont_catpi_noends, ~cont_catpi_nterm, ~cont_catpi_endrings;\n" + "define ~cont_catpi selected;\n" + "define ~catpi_rings selected;\n" + "select ~targ_catpi_noends, ~targ_catpi_nterm, ~targ_catpi_endrings;\n" + "define ~targ_catpi selected;\n" + "define ~catpi_cations selected;\n" + "select within(group, (~catpi_cations, ~catpi_rings));\n" + "define ~catpi_amino_acids selected;\n"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDS // End-N to rings "select ~chargedEndNitrogens " + "and within(6.0, (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1)) " + "and within(6.0, (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2)) " + "and within(6.0, (trp.cz3,,;\n" + "define ~cont_catpi_nterm (selected and ~outside_contarget);\n" + "define ~targ_catpi_nterm (selected and ~contarget);\n" + "define ~catpi_nterm selected;\n" + // Rings to end-N "select (trp.cd2,tyr.cd1,phe.cd1) and within (6.0, ~catpi_nterm);\n" + "select within(group, selected);\n" + "select selected and (trp.cz2,tyr.cd2,phe.cd2) and within (6.0, ~catpi_nterm);\n" + "select within(group, selected);\n" + "select selected and (trp.cz3,, and within (6.0, ~catpi_nterm);\n" + "select within(group, selected);\n" + // Ring to End-N CatPi residues are now selected. Next restrict to ring 6-carbons. "select selected and (trp.cd2,trp.ce?,,, " + ",,phe.ce?,, " + ",,tyr.ce?,;\n" + //Define targ and cont rings "define ~catpi_endrings selected;\n" + "define ~cont_catpi_endrings (~catpi_endrings and ~outside_contarget);\n" + "define ~targ_catpi_endrings (~catpi_endrings and ~contarget);\n"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------