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  • zEST: Gene discovery by EST clusters - Message forums

    Discussion forums: Open Discussion

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    Welcome to Open Discussion
    Submitted by Unset; posted on Friday, November 08, 2002
    Welcome to Open Discussion
    Re: iupred2a
    Submitted by Yasmine OCHI; posted on Friday, June 15, 2018
    Hi everyone! I'm using iupred2a to select the disordered regions in protein sequences and there is 2 versions of it: the web tool version and the command line tool version. I have tried to use the command line tool to process my data but i found a difficuly using the command lines indicated in the help manual. Would anyone of you please, help me to find out which are the command lines that i should use to select the disorded regions and how? Thank you for your help and your understanding
    where is the stuff ?
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2002
    Not much stuff available ;-) Karl
    where is the stuff ?
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2002
    But yes, where is it ???
    it's here.
    Submitted by Hubert Wassner; posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002
    Hello, sorry if the web navigation is hard... You will see contigation examples here : (this link we'll redirect you to my home page.) I'm now producing cluster & consensus for with public EST of "Anopheles gambiae" (paludim vector mosiquito). I will put the results under the above adress... Other species will follow... thanks for your attention, Hubert. -- Hubert Wassner web :
    software available?
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003
    Couldn't find any low-level details about how the new assembler is implemented (algorithms, coding language, limitations). Is there any trial version of the software available for download/evaluation?
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Monday, June 02, 2003
    tried clustering with CLOBB. anyone used this script b4? would like to compare notes and opinion about this script
    LArge clusters Problem
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Monday, May 02, 2005
    Hi all, I am trying to cluster 300 K EST's that i got from the NCBI using stackPack. The clutsering give me results totally different from what is present in uniGene. I happen to get 2 large clusters (64k and 34k sequences). If i try to break them by increasing the identity or length of region compared, i get and huge amount of singletons. I was wondering if anyone dealt with such a hassle before ??? Any suggestions will be greately appreciated. Thank you bingo11{AT}
    regarding protein modelling
    Submitted by rida siddiqui; posted on Sunday, May 17, 2015
    Are there any tutorials for 3D jigsaw
    What does the genome FASTA file means?
    Submitted by quan; posted on Thursday, April 04, 2019
    I obtained a genome from NCBI. For instance, Haloquadratum walsbyi strain AM180088.1. But the FASTA file contain two parts. The first part marked as >AM180088.1 Haloquadratum walsbyi DSM 16790 complete genome The second part marked as >AM180089.1 Haloquadratum walsbyi DSM 16790 plasmid PL47 complete genome What does that mean? In particular, the second one "plasmid"? If it is called complete genome should it all in one? Why divide into parts?
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