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    Conference: BiO BoF 2001: Text in Biology: BRIE & OAP 2001
    Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2001

    Submitter is announcing its first annual "Birds of a Feather" (BiO BoF) meeting. Every year we will host a conference on a topic of interest to our community. This year, we will be co-hosting the Text in Biology: BRIE & OAP 2001 joint satellite conference on July 26, at ISMB'01, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

    The "Biological Research with Information Extraction" (BRIE) conference will cover text mining for biology, while the "Open-Access Publications" (OAP) conference will cover the obstacles to information retrieval and extraction.

    The joint conferences will require only one registration per person. A formal announcement with more details will follow shortly. If you're planning to attend, please note that the main ISMB'01 conference runs from July 21 to 25, and the satellite conferences are either before (as with BOSC'01) or after. BRIE & OAP 2001 will be held on the day AFTER the main conference (on Thursday).


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