Msatfinder README, Last Updated March 2005 Authors: Milo Thurston ( and Dawn Field ( The latest version of this software is available at: or This file describes the installation and usage of the msatfinder program for the detection of microsatellite repeats. For full instructions, please see the msatfinder user manual. Please send comments, suggestions, or bug reports to the authors. INSTALLATION 1. Download the latest version of the msatfinder tar/zip file and unpack it. [~user] tar zxvf msatfinder-latest.tar.gz * [~user] cd msatfinder- *or unzip 2. If you require that the program be available to all users, then copy the script to your preferred location, e.g. [msatfinder-] sudo cp msatfinder /usr/local/bin 3. Make sure the following dependencies are installed and configured on your system, or on your PATH in the case of EMBOSS &c.: Perl modules: - Bioperl - CGI - Config::Simple - File::Copy - File::Basename - Getopt::Std - Term::ReadLine - List::Util Software: EMBOSS (eprimer3) Primer3_core BASIC CONFIGURATION AND USAGE To check that your package and all dependencies are installed and configured correctly, test data is supplied (two baculovirus genomes in Genbank format). 1. Read through the default values in msatfinder.rc, and change anything that you think might require altering (e.g. types and thresholds of msats to be searched for). This is probably not necessary for most searches. 2. To run the search, type: [msatfinder-] msatfinder *gbk Output from this search will be found in the directories Fasta/, Repeats/, Msat_tabs/, Flank_tabs/, and Primers/. An html index containing hyperlinks to all the output files will be created as Repeats/results.html. Open in your preferred web browser to view the results. For further details on how to set up searches of your own data, please see the Msatfinder user manual. If you experience any problems running this software, please write to the authors.