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Help for searching LEUKEMIA GENE  DATABASE

The Database has provided a gene list with chromosome number,loci and name of the gene. You can find  information of the genes of Leukemia by clicking the gene name in the Gene List.

Once you click the gene name it opens the file having the information of the gene on which you have clicked.  Clicking on the OMIM number it takes you to the web page of the gene having information of OMIM.  If  you click on the gene name of gene cards it takes you for the information on Gene card of the gene. If you click on CGAP  gene name it takes you to the information of the gene in CANCER GENOME ANATOMY PROJECT.  Certain genes are provided with the gene sequence which will enable to get the sequence of the Gene. Synonyms are also provided for the gene. About the the gene characterstics like Biochemical type cell location, etc you can find abstracts cited in PUBMED.  

To get the gene list, on the home page click on  "leukemia genes". This enables you to view a page of gene list. Here, click on the gene name. This will take you to the required gene information. Each gene gives the information of the gene characteristics listed below:

Biochemical type The functional biochemical class to which a protein belongs
Cell cycle Cell cycle dependant regulation and expression of a geneor its product.
Cell location Cellular location of a wild type or mutant protein
Cell type distribution Type of tissue or cell in which the gene is expressed
Chromosome human Cytogenetic location on human chromosome
Chromosome mouse Cytogenetic location on mouse chromosome.
Chromosome others Cytogenetic location in other species
Cis-Acting effect Case where in insertion, deletion, translocation or proviral integration at one locus affects another in a CIS fashion.
Clinical Clinical features
Complimentation Cases in which two genes compliment each other for transformation.When each alone would not.
Development The role of a gene, or its expression pattern during normal development of an organ or organism.
DNA Binding Specific binding interaction of gene product with a DNA sequence.
DNA Structure Characterstics of the gene itself: number of exons, gene size,promotor elements.
Gene Frequencey (tumor) Frequency of tumors that carry mutation in the given gene.
Gene Frequency (normal) The physiological role of the gene product during normal.
Homologue Orthologus or paralogus of the given gene.
Ligand Binding Protein binding to cofactors, substrates or other proteins.
Oncogenic Activation Mechanism that covers a normal gene into on involved in Carcinogensis.
Oncogenicity Proof or line of evidence that a particular gene is oncogenic or involved in maintenance or progression of a tumor
Phenotype Effect of the gene which can be observable.
Protein binding Protein-protein interaction in which there is biochemical or genetic proof of physical association
Protein size Molecular weight or number of amino acids in a given protein.
Protein Structure Primary, secondary, tertiary or quarternary structure of protein
Regulation Regulation of the gene or gene products.
RNA structure Characteristic of the mRNA in coding a gene.
Signaling Pathway The signaling pathway involved in which the gene product is involoved.
Tumor gene type Oncogene or Tumor suppresor
Tumor incidence Fraction of mutation carriers that will develop a tumor
Tumor type Kinds of tumors that result from mutations of the gene
Function The physiological role of the gene product during normal or tumorigenic growth


The Home Page contains the following topics : Leukemia Genes, Leukemia Drugs, Further Readings and Help. All these topics are hyper linked so that the user can click on it and go to the individual topics and obtain further information. 

For some of the genes information regarding the Nucleotide Sequence and Protein Sequence is also provided.

If you have any problem in using the database email : balajir@bioinformatics.org