MeltSim: The DNA Melting Simulator
Since 1980
Overview: The DNA Melting Algorithm
MeltSim is a statistical-mechanical program for calculating melting (denaturation) curves (derivative profiles) and maps of DNA, from genes to genomes. The model is the one-dimensional Ising lattice to which loop entropy has been appended [1][2][3]. The original algorithm is that of Poland & Scheraga [4] and Poland [5], with the Fixman & Friere approximation of the loop entropy by a sum of exponentials [6]. Parameters in Poland's original algorithm were evaluated by Blake & Delcourt [7][8] and provide near-quantitative agreement between observed and calculated Tm, amplitudes, breadths, and areas of transitions obtained under equilibrium conditions.
The seminal publication:
Blake, R.D., Bizzaro, J.W., Blake, J.D., Day, G.R., Delcourt, S.G., Knowles, J., Marx, K.A. and SantaLucia, J., Jr. 1999. Statistical Mechanical Simulation of Polymeric DNA Melting with MELTSIM.
Bioinformatics 15(5):370-375. |
Abstract| |
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PubMed ID: 10366657|
Publications based on (or research that made use of) MeltSim (or related work by R.D. Blake):
Rasmussen, J.P., Saint, C.P. and Monis, P.T. 2007. Use of DNA melting simulation software for
in silico diagnostic assay design: targeting regions with complex melting curves and confirmation by real-time PCR using intercalating dyes.
BMC Bioinformatics 8:107. |
Abstract| |
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PubMed ID: 17391531|
Tostesen, E., Jerstad, G.I. and Hovig, E. 2005. analysis of partly melted DNA conformations using stitch profiles.
Nucleic Acids Res 33:W573-6. |
Abstract| |
Full Free Text| |
PubMed ID: 15980539|
Long, D.D., Grosse, I. and Marx, K.A. 2004. Coding and non-coding DNA thermal stability differences in eukaryotes studied by melting simulation, base shuffling and DNA nearest neighbor frequency analysis.
Biophys Chem 110(1-2):25-38. |
Abstract| |
PubMed ID: 15223141|
Metzler, R. and Ambjornsson, T. 2004. Dynamic approach to DNA breathing.
Biophys Chem. |
Full Free Text|
Garel, T. and Orland, H. 2003. On the role of mismatches in DNA denaturation. arXiv:cond-mat/0304080. |
Abstract| |
Full Free Text|
Marx, K.A., Bizzaro, J.W., Blake, R.D., Hsien Tsai, M. and Feng Tao, L. 2000. Experimental DNA Melting Behavior of the Three Major
Schistosoma Species.
Mol Biochem Parasitol 107(2):303-307. |
PubMed ID: 10779607|
Marx, K.A., Assil, I.Q., Bizzaro, J.W. and Blake, R.D. 1998. Comparison of Experimental to MELTSIM Calculated DNA Melting of the (A+T) Rich
Dictyostelium discoideum Genome: Denaturation Maps Distinguish Exons From Introns.
J Biomol Struct Dyn 16(2):329-339. |
PubMed ID: 9833671|
Bizzaro, J.W., Marx, K.A. and Blake, R.D. 1997. Comparison of Experimental with Theoretical Melting of the Yeast Genome and Individual Yeast Chromosome Denaturation Mapping Using the Program MELTSIM.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 489:73-77.
Marx, K.A., Bizzaro, J.W., Assil, I.Q. and Blake, R.D. 1996. Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Melting Behavior of DNA. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 463:147-152.
If you have any other publications based on MeltSim, please email us.
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See Also
Dan is an open-source module for EMBOSS, which calculates Tm and %GC for sequences within a moving window. A web interface is available at the link given.
MELTING is an open-source command-line program, which calculates Tm for short (< 60 bp) sequences. A web interface is available at the link given.
POLAND is a Web tool that calculates the thermal denaturation profile of double-stranded RNA, DNA or RNA/DNA-hybrids based on sequence input and parameter settings.
Direct questions or comments to the mailing list.
- Ising, E. 1925. Physik 31:253.
- Hill, T.L. 1956. In Statistical Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, New York. (book out of print)
- Wartell, R.M. & Benight, A.S. 1985. Physics Rep 126:67-107.
- Poland, D. & Scheraga, H.A. 1970. In Theory of Helix-Coil Transitions in Biopolymers. Academic Press, New York. (book out of print)
- Poland, D. 1974. Biopolymers 13:1859-1871.
- Fixman, M. & Friere, J. 1977. Biopolymers 16:2693-2704.
- Delcourt, S.G. & Blake, R.D. 1991. Stacking Energies in DNA. J Biol Chem 266(23):15160-15169.
- Blake, R.D. & Delcourt, S.G. 1998. Thermal stability of DNA. Nucleic Acids Research 26(14):3323-3332.