[BiO BB] an idea

Indraneel Majumdar indraneel at indialine.org
Fri Apr 13 15:15:41 EDT 2001


In addition to the hugely popular gnutella, there is also the freenet project (http://www.freenetproject.org) which aims to target exactly this aspect. It's aim is to build a free network of data where you cannot control which data is being passed through your machine. Freenet is for web pages but it's sister project espra (http://espra.net) is for any files which can pass in the same way.

In any case copying nature pdf files by the so called more educated people (who read nature) might not exactly be an appealing idea to most. A more elegant solution would probably be, as Harold Varmus (ex Director of NIH) suggests, to openly publish the papers in the first place. There are a few sites (including pubmed central) which give out free copies of not-so-recent publications. I am yet to find a peer reviewed site for open free online publication of scientific papers (There was a link on google about 6 months back, but it doesn't appear now and I can't recall it :-(


On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 04:33:29PM +0000, J.W. Bizzaro wrote:
> Marco Aurelio Valtas Cunha wrote:
> > 
> > The Idea is good, but scientific papers, aren't suject to licences too?
> > Say you have a subscription of Nature, is legal share the pdf file of
> > the article even if others don't have the subscription?
> Gnutella is a well-established P2P system capable of transferring any kind of


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