[BiO BB] Summer School Microarray and Bioinformatics

Massimo Ubaldi massimo.ubaldi at unicam.it
Mon May 8 06:26:52 EDT 2006

The University of Camerino (Italy) is pleased to announce the II edition of
the Summer School "Microarray Technology and Bioinformatics" to be held in
Camerino from August 28 to September 1, 2006. 
Topics of the course include: Microarray experiment design, SNP and MicroRNA
microarrays, data preprocessing and normalization, Illumina BeadArray data
analysis, Affymetrix quality control, preprocessing and normalisation,
clustering and classification, Web tols for microarray data analysis,
microarray data mining.
The complete informations about topics, registration and accomodation can be
found at the web site: http://web.unicam.it/microarray. 

Best Regards
Massimo Ubaldi

Massimo Ubaldi PhD
Department of Experimental Medicine and Public Health University of Camerino
(UNICAM) Via Scalzino 3
62032 Camerino (MC)
phone: +39 0737 403322
fax:   +39 0737 630618

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