[BiO BB] E.coli K12 W3110 and MG1655 gene id conversion

Roy Chaudhuri roy at colibase.bham.ac.uk
Tue May 9 07:56:11 EDT 2006

Hi Sarah,

> I need to convert gene ID at KEGG of E.coli K12 W3110 (like "JW0001") to the
> corresponding MG1655 geneID, ideally to Blattner Number (like "b0001").
> Does anybody know where to download this conversion table or does anybody
> have one?

Our recent reannotation of the E.coli K-12 genome includes a table with 
this (and lots of other) information in the supplementary data. See:


Dr. Roy Chaudhuri
Bioinformatics Research Fellow
Division of Immunity and Infection
University of Birmingham, U.K.


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