[BiO BB] NJ distance matrix error (Phylip)

Peter Rice pmr at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Nov 1 06:51:51 EST 2006

Samantha Fox wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a very simple question. The distance matrix I input to
> Neighbor-Joining gives error for incorrect input file !
> Here is the matrix
> dmel    0       13      13      25      29      31      28      34

Tricky to find good documentation on this.

I suggest one or more of the following, depending on what version of phylip (or 
another package) you are using to read the file.

Missing header record (should say 12 on the line above the data)

The ID is defined as 10 characters generally in phylip, so it may need a couple 
of extra spaces to save the ID being "dmel     0"

The values are floating point so adding .0 after each one could be useful. 
Integers in these files are valid as "replicates" and would make some programs 
read the file as having only half the distance values on each line.

Hope that helps,

Peter Rice

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