[BiO BB] refs for rates of segmental (or smaller) duplication?

Ann Loraine aloraine at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 16:07:25 EDT 2007

Dear all,

I've been scanning articles in PubMed looking for a study that has
generated some data on size distributions for duplicated segments in
the human (or other) genomes.

If you know of such a study, please let me know!

I want to know if the following statement is true:

"Smaller-sized duplications (<2 kb) vastly outnumber larger-sized
duplications (>2kb, 3, kb, etc.) in the [insert species here] genome."

So far I've been able to find some papers that defined segmental
duplication sizes differently (2 kb versus 5 kb, and so on) but no
single study that looked at varying sizes using the equivalent
discovery criteria.



Ann Loraine, Assistant Professor
Departments of Genetics, Biostatistics,
Computer and Information Sciences
Associate Scientist, Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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