Hai, What I understand from your query is to batch entries. which is option avaliable in entrez. what all u need to do is make text file of list of entries and submit as batch. If your question is different, please let me know. or else if you want to retrieve from a genome with different key words try to write a perl program with patteren matching it will do the rest of work. with regards, G.RAJESHWAR SCIENTIST-C FRONTIER LIFE SCIENCE LTD. On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 Chunlei Wu wrote : >Hi, group, > I have a problem need the help from the group; it >may be easy for the experienced experts here. > I want to get the gene sequences for a list of genes >(with gene symbol, refseq accession number, etc). I know how to >get the gene sequence one-by-one from NCBI's genome viewer >interface. But I am wondering how I could get the gene sequences >based on gene symbol more efficiently and make it suitable to be >commited by a script automatically. That is a very common task >when dealing with the genome data. I bet there is a good solution >already. I hope to get your suggestion. > > >Thank you in advance. > > >Chunlei Wu >Cancer Genomic Lab >MD Anderson Cancer Center > > >_______________________________________________ >BiO_Bulletin_Board maillist - >BiO_Bulletin_Board@bioinformatics.org >http://bioinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/bio_bulletin_board _________________________________________________________ There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com. Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs