[Bio-linux-dev] Bio-Linux 6 Beta 1 release

Dan Swan bioinformatics.lists at gmail.com
Fri May 7 13:13:17 EDT 2010


> I'll take a look at rkhunter though I believe it is prone to false
> alarms.  I'll definitely put chkrootkit back on - I think it was
> standard on BL5.

rkhunter is completely ignorant of OS updates, so will start to
trickle warning emails after any update to a binary on it's watchlist,
so you have to run it with --propupd when it starts to complain.

I've never managed to get chkrootkit to not report errors to me.
Even correctly configured to ignore certain . directories it still
sends me a warning email every day to check files, even though it
reports an entirely blank list. It's a known bug and has been present
in Ubuntu for *some time* and persists with Lucid.



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