[Bio-Linux] viewing 454 assemblies on Bio-Linux

Tony Travis ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Sun Jun 15 07:51:53 EDT 2008

Bela Tiwari wrote:
> [...]
> This script converts the assembly format, and will open up gap4 with
> your assembly loaded. Further details about what is done by this
> script and the options you have are given at: 
> http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mt/mt.cgi#staden

Hello, Bela.

I'm interested in this, but I can't read your web link - It's asking me 
to login...

BTW, I've read a GS20 Newbler assembly into consed OK, using the -nophd 
option (obviously, no quality values are loaded).

FYI, I'm evaluating a development version of the MIRA assembler for 
Sanger + 454 hybrid assemblies:


This also produces 'ace' files, that can be read using consed (without 
loading phd files).

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:ajt at rri.sari.ac.uk
Rowett Research Institute,          |    http://www.rri.sari.ac.uk/~ajt
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687

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