[Bioclusters] altivec-HMMER bechmark results from Erik Lindahl - 6x faster than dual Athlon

Lai Loong Fong bioclusters@bioinformatics.org
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 00:52:31 +0800

On 12/12/02 12:18 AM, "Elia Stupka" <elia@fugu-sg.org> wrote:

>> Hmmpfam is less impressive, mainly because it spends less time in
>> the core routines, but as far as I know hmmsearch is the most
>> important program anyway.
> Any idea what the speed up is for hmmpfam (which is actually what we are
> interested in)?
> Elia
I believe it is in the attachment that Chris provided.

Lai Loong Fong