[Bioclusters] Need some advice on a cluster for EST/cDNA assembly, clustering

LAI Loong Fong lailf at bii.a-star.edu.sg
Fri Feb 25 20:51:44 EST 2005

On 26/2/05 5:05 AM, "Joe Landman" <landman at scalableinformatics.com> wrote:

> The other big issue is the 64 bit issue.  What is the status of OSX as a 64
> bit
> OS, and can the tools see more than 4 GB of ram?  This is not an issue under
> x86_64 linux, and I presume it will not be under Yellow dog linux, though I
> would find it strange that people might buy an apple to run something other
> than
> OSX.  I never had time to answer these questions, and they may or may not be
> relevant for the work.

The process in OSX 10.3 can only see up to 4GB of ram. From what I
understand, 10.4 may or may not resolve this issue. I did heard about people
buying from Apple but run YDL instead.

LAI Loong-Fong

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