[Biococoa-dev] Base test

Koen van der Drift kvddrift at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 14 08:08:33 EDT 2004

On Aug 13, 2004, at 10:57 AM, John Timmer wrote:

>   During base initialization, I was going to create the
> arrays of complements and representations.  This means every time the 
> first
> base was created, it would necessarily create its complement, all 
> relevant
> ambiguous bases, etc.

I'm just a stupid chemist, could you explain to me why you need to 
create arrays of complements, representations and ambiguous bases for 
each base and what they are?

(I do know that each base has a complement and what DNA looks like, but 
don't understand why you'd need an array for each base, or did you mean 
to create a complement sequence dynamically?)


- Koen.

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