[Biococoa-dev] can't compile framework

Charles PARNOT charles.parnot at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 8 16:31:53 EST 2005

At 21:08 +0100 3/8/05, Philipp Seibel wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>i just checked out the latest version and tried to compile the 
>project, but it didn't work. Very strange problem:
>BioCocoa_Prefix.h:6:38: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory
>BioCocoa_Prefix.h:7:30: AppKit/AppKit.h: No such file or directory

It is probably because you don't have the SKDs installed. I believe 
they are optional when you install Xcode.
Look for /Developer/SDKs/MacOSxxx folders. If you don't have those, 
then yes, this is the problem.

To compile the framework, the compiler uses the SDKROOT build 
settings as the path to the headers. This is why it can't find the 
Foundation and AppKit headers, if the SDKROOT points to an empty 

If this is the problem, you may want to run the latest Xcode 
installer and check the SDKs in the options.


NB: the SDKs were supposed to be used before, but were actually not 
used until I changed the target type and added the SDKROOT setting.
Help science go fast forward:

Charles Parnot
charles.parnot at stanford.edu

Room  B157 in Beckman Center
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Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305 (USA)

Tel +1 650 725 7754
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