[Biococoa-dev] strider and gck format

Alexander Griekspoor mek at mekentosj.com
Sat Mar 25 06:27:19 EST 2006

Pretty cool actually, I just discovered that with the new  
implementation if you first doubleclick to select a 10 nucleotide  
"word" and then shift click somewhere else it will extend/crop the  
selection also per 10 nucleotides...

On 25-mrt-2006, at 12:22, Alexander Griekspoor wrote:

> I don't think that is a bug. I guess that is a personal taste. I  
> see the columns purely as a visual aid, but think a sequence is a  
> continues stretch of characters, hence not separated by spaces. I  
> think the whitespace approach is a hack, and this is more elegant  
> but that's a personal opinion. It would definitely complicates  
> working with the sequence a lot if you continuously have to take  
> the spaces into account.
> The "1st 10 char selection" bug must be one that is to fix, and if  
> we indeed want the word selection that is something that should be  
> able to be relatively easily implemented using: - (NSRange) 
> selectionRangeForProposedRange:(NSRange)proposedCharRange  
> granularity:(NSSelectionGranularity)granularity
> (which we override anyway already). The granularity normal returns  
> one (selectByCharacter), but two upon doubleclick (selectByWord) or  
> three upon tripple click (by paragraph).
> ..and then I decided to just do it ;-)
> Here's the specific method, and now it selects the 10 nucleotides  
> on which you doubleclick ;-)
> - (NSRange)selectionRangeForProposedRange:(NSRange) 
> proposedCharRange granularity:(NSSelectionGranularity)granularity{
> 	NSRange newCharRange;
> 	if(granularity == NSSelectByWord){
> 		newCharRange.location = (proposedCharRange.location / 10) * 10;
> 		newCharRange.length = ((proposedCharRange.location +  
> proposedCharRange.length) / 10 + 1) * 10 - newCharRange.location;
> 		// sanity checks
> 		if(newCharRange.location < 0){
> 			newCharRange.length -= -newCharRange.location;
> 			newCharRange.location = 0;
> 		}
> 		if(newCharRange.location + newCharRange.length > [[self  
> textStorage]length]){
> 			newCharRange.length -= (newCharRange.location +  
> newCharRange.length)  - [[self textStorage]length];
> 		}
> 	}
> 	else {
> 		newCharRange = [super  
> selectionRangeForProposedRange:proposedCharRange  
> granularity:granularity];
> 	}
> 	//NSLog(@"%d -> old: %@ new: %@", granularity, NSStringFromRange 
> (proposedCharRange), NSStringFromRange(newCharRange));
> 	id <KDTextViewDelegate> delegate = [self delegate];
>     if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector 
> (didDragSelectionInTextView:range:)]){
> 		[delegate didDragSelectionInTextView: self range: newCharRange];
> 	}
> 	[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
> 	return newCharRange;
> }
> Now please please let's stay away from the whitespace hack, at  
> least I will ;-)
> Only this one stupid bug to fix... I'll post that one on cocoa-dev.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> On 25-mrt-2006, at 11:48, Koen van der Drift wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2006, at 11:08 AM, Alexander Griekspoor wrote:
>>> One other thing, there seems to be a bug in the textview that if  
>>> you have less than one row of text, you can't select any of the  
>>> first 10 characters
>> There is another bug probably related to this. If I doubleclick in  
>> a column, I expect only those 10 symbols to be selected (just as  
>> if it is a word in a sentence). However, the whole sequence gets  
>> selected. I am wondering if we should go back to inserting the  
>> whitespace approach.
>> cheers,
>> - Koen.
> *********************************************************
>                     ** Alexander Griekspoor **
> *********************************************************
>               The Netherlands Cancer Institute
>               Department of Tumorbiology (H4)
>          Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam
>                    Tel:  + 31 20 - 512 2023
>                   Fax:  + 31 20 - 512 2029
>                   AIM: mekentosj at mac.com
>                  E-mail: a.griekspoor at nki.nl
>               Web: http://www.mekentosj.com
>               4Peaks - For Peaks, Four Peaks.
>        2004 Winner of the Apple Design Awards
>                Best Mac OS X Student Product
>              http://www.mekentosj.com/4peaks
> *********************************************************
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                     ** Alexander Griekspoor **
              The Netherlands Cancer Institute
              Department of Tumorbiology (H4)
         Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam
                    Tel:  + 31 20 - 512 2023
                    Fax:  + 31 20 - 512 2029
                   AIM: mekentosj at mac.com
                    E-mail: a.griekspoor at nki.nl
                Web: http://www.mekentosj.com

     Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows
     because most people use Windows, is like saying
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