[Biodevelopers] Hope this is ontopic: we are running a Mac OS X porting course in Boston in December

chris dagdigian dag at sonsorol.org
Mon Oct 21 16:40:35 EDT 2002

Hi folks,

One of my partners was asked by a university to put together and teach a 
training course for informatics software developers who wanted to port 
to MacOS X. Billy taught the class a few weeks ago and the feedback was 
very positive so we are going to run the same course again and open it 
up to the public.

We are doing the next class in Boston and have hooked up with
tech superpowers (www.techsuperpowers.com) on Newbury Street in Boston. 
In addition to being very nice the Tech Superpowers people are Apple 
guru's and have a nice training facility.

I'll leave out the sales pitch. Interested people should check out 
http://www.osxporting.com for course details.


Chris Dagdigian, <dag at sonsorol.org>
Independent life science IT & informatics consulting
Office: 617-666-6454, Mobile: 617-877-5498, Fax: 425-699-0193
PGP KeyID: 83D4310E Yahoo IM: craffi Web: http://bioteam.net

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