[Biodevelopers] Announcing the release of VigyaanCD v1.0

Pratul K. Agarwal pagarwal at linus.ornl.gov
Wed Sep 7 20:35:21 EDT 2005

Vigyaan (http://www.vigyaancd.org/) is an electronic workbench for 
bioinformatics, computational biology and computational chemistry. New in 
version 1.0: Based on KNOPPIX v3.7, most software packages updated, new 
applications added.

At present the following ready to use software comes on VigyaanCD: Arka/GP, 
Artemis, Bioperl, BLAST (NCBI-tools), ClustalW/ClustalX, Cn3D, EMBOSS tools, 
Garlic, Glimmer, GROMACS, Ghemical, GNU R, Gnuplot, GIMP, ImageMagick, Jmol, 
MPQC, MUMer, NJPlot, Open Babel, Octave, PSI3, PyMOL, Ramachandran plot viewer, 
Rasmol, Raster3D, Seaview, TINKER, XDrawChem, Xmgr and Xfig. GNU C/C++/Fortran 
compilers and additional Linux tools (such as ps2pdf) are also available. 
VigyaanCD also provides tools required to compile and install other 
applications (from source). Therefore, making testing of 'Linux' applications 
possible on computers with other OS.

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