[Biophp-dev] CVS and memberlist

biophp-dev@bioinformatics.org biophp-dev@bioinformatics.org
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 7:12:52 PST

Please, do not confuse all of us with two cvs repositories with basically 
the same content.  That will create a completely unworkable situation
(everybody working on this will have to maintain 2 directories, each
syncing to an independent cvs repository, and everyone will have to
manually propagate changes from one to the other, futile and extremely
prone to accidental major accidents).  

If we all agree that we are basically working on the same thing, we
should have a single cvs repository.  I don't care where it is, Serge and 
Sean should decide on this soon, or we will have a major headache.

For now, I followed the suggestion earlier on with the cvs repository at
bioinformatics.org.  There is now a biophp directory (still empty), where 
we are going to merge the two projects.  There is the 'sean' directory
with his code, and the 'genephp' directory with Serge's code and the
additions I made.  

I suggest to merge the 'sean' and 'genephp' directories as soon as
possible, and have it all located on 1 and only one server.



> Hi guys!
> Finally set up the CVS at sourceforge.net.  With Sean's permission,
> I'd like to upload his code there under the folder BioPHP or Sean.
> For now, we can maintain these two CVS's until we've adopted a
> common framework.  Sean, you can also add me as user 'flipmozart'
> to the BioPHP developer list.
> If it's alright for the others (Greg, Andres, Sean), I'd like to list 
> your names as part of the GenePHP/BioPHP project at the SF site. You
> can write at serge525@hotmail.com for any questions.
> Andres: As you've suggested, I've begun to draft some standards for
> coding (variable names, function names, etc.)  I'll be posting them
> soon for everyone's comments.
> Regards,
> Serge
> Need a new email address that people can remember
> Check out the new EudoraMail at
> http://www.eudoramail.com
> _______________________________________________
> Biophp-dev mailing list
> Biophp-dev@bioinformatics.org
> https://bioinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/biophp-dev