[ghemical-devel] LC_NUMERIC problem

Tommi Hassinen thassine@messi.uku.fi
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 14:41:22 +0200 (WET)


and thanks for your help with the locale settings Jean and Michael. I
managed to change it into fi_FI but I guess some files were still missing
since the separator remained '.' (it should be ',' in fi_FI I guess). So
it's not yet correctly tested.

> There were specific problems with Import, I think ghemical hang when
> trying to import a .xyz with LC_NUMERIC set to ',' (passing the file on
> the command-line worked fine, IIRC). Also, Build->Add Hydrogen is broken
> for these locales (the hydrogens get added somewhere near infinity), so
> I'm not sure just setting it for Open/Save is enough.

Yes, that makes sense, since the "add hydrogens" operation is handled by
OpenBabel as well as imports/exports.

> Can you tell me which CVS branch I should check out for 1.01 + your fix,
> in order to test it?

The branch name for 1.01+ is


and the changes are at src/common/mm1mdl.cpp around line 255 and below.

I also just added the changes for file import/export as well, the location
is src/common/filetrans.cpp and the ::Import() and ::Export() functions
therein. The "add hydrogens" is still a bit of a mystery to me, but it's
at src/common/mm1mdl.cpp, just search for "::AddHydrogens".
