[ghemical-devel] [ghemical-users] Translate Ghemical

Tommi Hassinen Tommi.Hassinen at uku.fi
Fri Aug 29 06:45:39 EDT 2008

Thanks for the patch and for your advice ; it will try this and report later what I have got, and how Vlado and others can get into the real translation work.

> Still getting everything translated takes time, because the text is now generated using "streams", for example like this:
> cout << "Hello my name is " << my_name << " and I live in " << my_country << "." << endl;

cout << _("Hello my name_is") << my_name << _(" and I live in ") << my_country << _(".") << endl;

would work too, just with more strings to translate.

Yes, I thought about this more, and I ended up in a conclusion that laborious printf-ying is not really needed, after all. The text output in ghemical is relatively simple, along the lines "The result is 12.345" and "An error occured : this and that". These are simple sentences where the relevant data or information is always at the end of the sentence. This kind of stuff must be readily translatable to any language.


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