[Molvis-list] I have question.

Eric Martz emartz at microbio.umass.edu
Fri Nov 19 14:30:33 EST 2004

At 11/18/04, H.Iiduka wrote:
>Dear member
>I am a student in Japan.
>I began to use Swiss-PdbViewer and don't know well how to use it yet.
>I want to display H-bonds between monomer-monomer interface in homodimer 
>which was getten from pdb entry as  distinct biological assembly.

1. Please see the tutorials in the DeepView (= Swiss-PDBViewer) section at 

2. Detailed technical questions about how to use DeepView are best sent to 
the DeepView email list, which you can find in the EMail Discussions 
section at http://molvisindex.org

Eric Martz, Professor Emeritus, Dept Microbiology
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA US

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