[Pipet Devel] new directory structure

J.W. Bizzaro bizzaro at geoserve.net
Fri Jan 14 21:25:45 EST 2000


Attached is an updated proposal for a new Loci directory structure.

Gary and I spoke about using the UNIX standard for installing an application:
everything goes in /usr/lib, /usr/bin, /etc, and /usr/doc (or replace /usr
with /usr/local for some systems).  But considering how Python works (a
dispersed installation would mean adding a bit to the Python path) and that we
won't have one big binary executable to put in /usr/bin, like traditional
C/UNIX programs, I propose we use one Loci directory for all but
documentation.  What do you think?

Brad, the module is not up yet, but I'll put it there shortly.

-------------- next part --------------
STRUCT - Filesystem structure of Loci - 20000114

    AUTHORS                    (names of developers)
    CHANGES                    (ALL changes made to Loci) 
    COPYING                    (GNU LGPL license)
    INSTALL                    (installation instructions)
    README                     (introduction)
    STRUCT                     (this file)
    loci*                      (primary Loci executable)
    (other python scripts) 

    front/                     (front-endware)
        gi/                    (Gtk+ Interface)
            locigi.py          (GI executable)
            (other python scripts)
            conf/              (GI configuration)
            lib/               (GI components)
                gtkstyles/     (Gtk+ styles)
                icons/         (standard icons)
                pixmaps/       (misc. graphics)
                symbols/       (symbols)
                widgets/       (high-level GUI widgets)
        nli/                   (Natural Language Interface)
            locinli.py         (NLI executable)
            (other python scripts)
            conf/              (NLI configuration)
            lib/               (NLI components)
        wi/                    (Web Interface)
            lociwi.py          (WI executable) 
            (other python scripts)
            conf/              (WI configuration)
            lib/               (WI components)

    middle/                    (middleware)

    back/                      (back-endware)
        public/                (publicly accessible directory)
            lib/               (public components)
                icons/         (public icons)
                bindings/      (public bindings to files)
            container/         (public files and symlinks)
        private/               (privately accessible directory)
            lib/               (private components)
                icons/         (private icons)
                bindings/      (private bindings to files)
            container/         (private files and symlinks)

    conf/                      (general Loci configuration)

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