[Pipet Devel] Fun with ORBs

Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at hermes.usherb.ca
Wed May 10 11:30:39 EDT 2000

> Has anyone of you people ever used the NON-gui features of Gnome? I'm not just
> promoting gnome because it's the Right thing, but because of it's richness. Or maybe
> is this only usefull when coding in C?
> Anyone on this? Which parts of Gnome can be used by C++ or Python?

We could probably use gnome-print and gnome-conf, but that would be for a GUI
part, so it wouldn't add dependencies. However, I strongly suggest not to use
glib, as must of what it contains (linked lists, ...) is already available in
the STL, which is cleaner.


Jean-Marc Valin
Universite de Sherbrooke - Genie Electrique
valj01 at gel.usherb.ca

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