[Pipet Devel] Installation + Directory clean-up

J.W. Bizzaro bizzaro at geoserve.net
Sat May 13 11:51:05 EDT 2000

"J.W. Bizzaro" wrote:
>   Mesa-3.1/

I forgot, Mesa is not an application.

Anyway, what is wrong or difficult about writing a shell script for
installation that does something like this:

    mkdir /usr/lib/piper
    cp -dfpRx uil /usr/lib/piper
    cp -dfpRx dl /usr/lib/piper


                      |           J.W. Bizzaro           |
                      |                                  |
                      | http://bioinformatics.org/~jeff/ |
                      |                                  |
                      |        BIOINFORMATICS.ORG        |
                      |           The Open Lab           |
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                      |    http://bioinformatics.org/    |

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