[Pipet Devel] loci tarball and updated piper web page

J.W. Bizzaro bizzaro at geoserve.net
Tue May 16 04:57:38 EDT 2000

Locians and Pipers,

I placed a tarball of one of the later commits to CVS (May 10, by Brad) on the
web server:


This may be the last tarball to go by the name "Loci", as the code bases of
Loci, GMS and Overflow will soon be merged (into "Piper").

I also made some minor changes to the Piper web page
(bioinformatics.org/piper), including a link to Brad's documentation on the DL
(Definitions Layer).  Very nice job, Brad.  You put me to shame, as usual :-)

                      |           J.W. Bizzaro           |
                      |                                  |
                      | http://bioinformatics.org/~jeff/ |
                      |                                  |
                      |        BIOINFORMATICS.ORG        |
                      |           The Open Lab           |
                      |                                  |
                      |    http://bioinformatics.org/    |

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