[Pipet Devel] The Gnutella paradox

Matthew PATTISON mfp at students.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Oct 2 04:25:32 EDT 2000

What about the system used by napster, mojonation www.mojohackers.org or
iMesh www.imesh.com. I think they're much more scalable than gnutella.
Especially Mojonation and iMesh look interesting, although Mojonation may be
overkill for what you need, and iMesh is not free software (patent pending).
Mojonation is very ambitious though, and written in Python, so there may be
some synchronicity.
Sorry, I should introduce myself. My name is Matt Pattison, I'm about to
graduate as a Software Engineer in about 4 weeks from Melbourne University,
Australia. I've just been writing (in a team, for my final year project) a
program doing distributed robot simulation in Java, Voyager (transparent
Corba & RMI - very cool), Java3D (the buggiest API I've ever used) and a
little C++ for collision detection. We're currently 50K lines of code and
rising. I'm very interested in distributed computing, linux/free software,
and high level languages. I used to be a big Python fan, until I discovered 
Ruby www.ruby-lang.org. I think this project looks very interesting, and I'd 
love to get involved (although probably not in the next 4 weeks, for now I'll 
just lurk).

Matt Pattison
----- Original Message -----
From: J.W. Bizzaro <jeff at bioinformatics.org>
To: <pipet-devel at bioinformatics.org>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 7:05 AM
Subject: [Pipet Devel] The Gnutella paradox

> This is informative, considering we're thinking about a P2P network like
> Gnutella for sharing node and network descriptions:
> ``Mr. Adar hasn't written off Gnutella. He believes a more successful and
> scalable system is possible but would require trade-offs such as decreased
> privacy and a few centralized network machines. Future versions of
> could also include a system "default" that forces all users to share, much
> like Napster. Otherwise, Mr. Adar believes, Gnutella won't be able to hold
> under the strain if it is flooded by Napster-like traffic.''
> (It gets interesting only at Part 3.)
> Jeff
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