[Pipet Devel] progress

jarl van katwijk jarl at casema.net
Sat Jan 6 08:29:56 EST 2001


Hi devel people,

> > It's pretty darn quiet around here.

Thanx Jeff for bringing this one up ;) I'm the time I was waiting for the feedback
on the currect status,
I worked on the security code of the BL. I'm doing some experimenting with various
availeble libraries
like SESAME and AKENTI, two (OSS) distributed authorisation libs. Sesame looks most
promising, but
the code is such a mess I still aint got it compiled. More on this later..

> > to take a look at the Overflow errors Jarl was getting.
> Sorry, what errors? I probably missed that one.

Jean Marc, I had this little icq conversation with you about this one, remember?

OK, it's about this:
I more-or-less finished the pilot goals a few weeks ago, I hooked all 4 layers
together. Since then
the cvs code is able to let you create a network in the UIL and commit the
structure via the DL\BL
to the PL, which SEEMS to execute it. My knowlegde about the Overflow nodes is too
limited to
judge whether it's going ok, or what is going wrong. That is what we need you for,
to do some testing.
And give me the feedback I need to fix the bugs that probably are still there.

> Yes, I've been pretty quiet
> lately and will be for the next 2 weeks. I'm starting a new job next Monday at
> "Locus Dialog" and still need to finish writing my master thesis. The next
> Piper-related stuff on my list has to do with Overflow internals, like allow
> feedback loops with the links. So that's the status for me.

You can spend some time looking at the lastest Piper code soon? If we fix the last
issues we can put some
working code online ;)


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