[Pipet Devel] agenda for 11/13 piper meeting

J.W. Bizzaro jeff at bioinformatics.org
Mon Nov 12 00:46:58 EST 2001

Greetings, Pipers!

I'm going to be in New York City Monday and Tuesday presenting
Bioinformatics.Org to some students at the City College of New York.  That's
during our scheduled meeting time (17:00 GMT on Tuesday), so I will be unable
to attend.

Please, still attend the meeting if you can.  The agenda should be to get Bo
updated on the BL and what needs to be done.  Also, Jarl and Jean-Marc may
need to discuss UI* libs vs. DOM.  When you are done, someone please post the
transcript (buffer) to the mailing list.

J.W. Bizzaro                                jeff at bioinformatics.org
Director, Bioinformatics.org        http://bioinformatics.org/~jeff
"As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we
should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention
of ours; and this we should do freely and generously."
                   -- Benjamin Franklin

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