[Pipet Devel] piper publication?

J.W. Bizzaro jeff at bioinformatics.org
Thu Oct 18 01:52:20 EDT 2001

I gave a talk at the IEEE/ACM (electrical engineering and comp sci group)
affiliate in Boston tonight, about Bioinformatics.org.  When we chatted at
dinner, I described Piper.  They seemed fascinated, as people usually are by
Piper.  And when I said that we want to publish an article about Piper, they
were very encouraging.  They suggested an IEEE comp journal, the ACM journal,
or a journal called "Scientific Computing". 

Certainly, we should consider (or keep considering) this for the future.

J.W. Bizzaro                                jeff at bioinformatics.org
Director, Bioinformatics.org        http://bioinformatics.org/~jeff
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of ours; and this we should do freely and generously."
                   -- Benjamin Franklin

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