[Pipet Devel] libflow

jean-marc.valin at hermes.usherb.ca jean-marc.valin at hermes.usherb.ca
Sat Sep 1 21:14:55 EDT 2001

Looks like a version mismatch. At some places, it's libflow-0.6.so and at some
other places it libflow-0.5.so. You may have two versions conflicting. BTW,
libflow-0.6 means that you got a recent CVS version (0.6.0 is not yet released).
Please update it, as there have been a couple instabilities this week (it's
fixed now).

I suggest you make sure you don't have any Overflow rpm installed and then "rm
-rf /opt/overflow". Also, as I told you it's now recommended to install Overflow
with prefix=/usr /usr/local or /opt  The conflicting include problem is now
solved. The includes are now in $(prefix)/include/overflow instead of just


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