[Proteopedia] Proteopedia on Twitter and Facebook

Wayne Decatur wdecatur at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 17 09:57:34 EST 2014

It was suggested I mention for those new to the Proteopedia users' list that Proteopedia also has a social media presence on Facebook and Twitter. 

We try to post related items there and not inundate your feeds. You can find us on Twitter as proteopedia (https://twitter.com/proteopedia) and on Facebook as Proteopedia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Proteopedia/152463818108290). 

In addition to following us to keep informed of the Proteopedia community, feel free to suggest posts. Some suggestions would be if you see a Proteopedia page deserving attention or would like to highlight a stellar page by your student. Or perhaps you'll be giving a talk about Proteopedia to a large or small group.

Let me know if you'd like any related items posted at wayne at proteopedia.org.


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