[R-repo-dev] Infra changes

Pierre-Yves pingou at pingoured.fr
Sat May 8 10:10:20 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I think we should revise a bit our infrastructure.

At the moment we have in our repo a folder SRPMS which contains all the
Problem is that rsync this folder is really time consuming, ok we are
suppposed to have to do it only once but after that we will need to work
at the spec level.

Therefore I think we should directly switch to a spec based
synchronisation between the different builders.

I am therefore trying to set up a cvs on bioinformatics.org.
I will put there two folders:
- scripts
  -> where we can put all the scripts which are usefull to us. I already
have a couple to look for updates, for updating the spec file...
- specs
  -> where will be all the spec file for all the packages.

This would allows us to:
- cvs co r-repo
- run a script in the folder scripts which will download all the
requires sources
- generate the src.rpm via a simple bash script (for i in specs/*.spec
do rpmbuild -bs $i.spec)
- use smock to build the rpms.
- sync the newly built rpms to the repo.

This would also help us to automate the builds once the first run is

BTW, the last src.rpm from CRAN which I have uploaded won't work. Their
spec file is incorrect, I will try to look into that this week-end so
that I can restart the builds on my computer on Monday.

Ideas, suggestions, problems ??


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