Basic Information
Gene ID 101062852
Gene Name LOC101062852
Full Name Uncharacterized protein
Organism Takifugu rubripes [31033]

Cross Reference
UniProt H2T175 UniGene NULL
KEGG tru:101062852 UCSC NULL

Protein Interactions

Transcript ID
Protein ID
Gene ID

InterPro Annotation
Protein Program Term IPRS Start End Score Description
ENSTRUP00000018413 Gene3D G3DSA:1.10.565.10 IPR008946 532 760 4.00e-67 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013088 414 491 5.50e-27 Zinc finger, NHR/GATA-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 Pfam PF00104 IPR000536 546 726 1.30e-34 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding, core
ENSTRUP00000018413 Pfam PF00105 IPR001628 416 483 1.50e-27 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 Pfam PF02155 IPR001409 49 399 1.70e-47 Glucocorticoid receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 417 433 7.60e-14 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 433 448 7.60e-14 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 466 474 7.60e-14 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 474 482 7.60e-14 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 478 488 1.20e-12 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 564 585 1.20e-12 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 585 601 1.20e-12 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 654 669 1.20e-12 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00528 IPR001409 273 294 3.40e-07 Glucocorticoid receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PRINTS PR00528 IPR001409 320 338 3.40e-07 Glucocorticoid receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 ProSitePatterns PS00031 IPR001628 417 443 - Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 ProSiteProfiles PS51030 IPR001628 414 489 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 SMART SM00399 IPR001628 414 485 2.10e-35 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSTRUP00000018413 SMART SM00430 IPR000536 563 727 3.70e-35 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding, core
ENSTRUP00000018413 SUPERFAMILY SSF48508 IPR008946 504 760 0.00e-00 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding

Pfam Annotation
Protein Pfam ID E.value Name Description
ENSTRUP00000018413 PF02155 0 GCR Glucocorticoid receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PF00104 7.6e-35 Hormone_recep Ligand-binding domain of nuclear hormone receptor
ENSTRUP00000018413 PF00105 7.1e-28 zf-C4 Zinc finger, C4 type (two domains)

Gene Ontology Annotation
Protein Entry Name Space Description
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0006351 biological_process transcription, DNA-templated
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0006355 biological_process regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0016568 biological_process chromatin modification
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0042921 biological_process glucocorticoid receptor signaling pathway
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0043401 biological_process steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0043402 biological_process glucocorticoid mediated signaling pathway
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0005634 cellular_component nucleus
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0005737 cellular_component cytoplasm
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0005739 cellular_component mitochondrion
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0003677 molecular_function DNA binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0003700 molecular_function sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0003707 molecular_function steroid hormone receptor activity
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0004883 molecular_function glucocorticoid receptor activity
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0005496 molecular_function steroid binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0008270 molecular_function zinc ion binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0008289 molecular_function lipid binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0043565 molecular_function sequence-specific DNA binding
ENSTRUP00000018413 GO:0046872 molecular_function metal ion binding

TAXID Organism Gene ID TAXID Organism Gene ID
59729 Taeniopygia guttata 100008583 9796 Equus caballus 100061217
9601 Pongo abelii 100189725 9483 Callithrix jacchus 100394916
8128 Oreochromis niloticus 100534398 9785 Loxodonta africana 100664515
10029 Cricetulus griseus 100763961 9597 Pan paniscus 100970978
9555 Papio anubis 101011541 39432 Saimiri boliviensis 101043581
61853 Nomascus leucogenys 100605325 10090 Mus musculus 14815
9358 Choloepus hoffmanni ENSCHOG00000013777 8364 Xenopus tropicalis ENSXETG00000001879
9669 Mustela putorius furo 101688907 43179 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus 101954529
7897 Latimeria chalumnae 102354325 59463 Myotis lucifugus 102429264
13735 Pelodiscus sinensis 102454070 9606 Homo sapiens 2908
9823 Sus scrofa 396740 9615 Canis familiaris 478047
9646 Ailuropoda melanoleuca ENSAMEG00000010159 9361 Dasypus novemcinctus ENSDNOG00000010685
10020 Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG00000010001 9365 Erinaceus europaeus ENSEEUG00000008977
9371 Echinops telfairi ENSETEG00000014280 69293 Gasterosteus aculeatus ENSGACG00000018209
9031 Gallus gallus ENSGALG00000007394 9595 Gorilla gorilla ENSGGOG00000004334
8049 Gadus morhua ENSGMOG00000005668 9315 Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG00000009869
9103 Meleagris gallopavo ENSMGAG00000009322 9544 Macaca mulatta ENSMMUG00000000421
9258 Ornithorhynchus anatinus ENSOANG00000005745 9986 Oryctolagus cuniculus ENSOCUG00000011676
30611 Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG00000003356 8090 Oryzias latipes ENSORLG00000006022
9598 Pan troglodytes ENSPTRG00000017363 132908 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000014255
10116 Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG00000014096 42254 Sorex araneus ENSSARG00000000617
9305 Sarcophilus harrisii ENSSHAG00000001727 37347 Tupaia belangeri ENSTBEG00000016278
99883 Tetraodon nigroviridis ENSTNIG00000008946 9478 Tarsius syrichta ENSTSYG00000013696
9739 Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG00000003260 30538 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000006590
8083 Xiphophorus maculatus ENSXMAG00000009167