import charite.christo.strap.*;
import static java.lang.System.*;
  java  DemoProtein_nucleotides_advanced
  This demo shows advanced features of proteins
  translated from nucleotide sequences.
public class DemoProtein_nucleotides_advanced {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        final StrapProtein p=new StrapProtein();
        out.println("Translate reverse complement");
        /* The original strand and the translated (current) strand are distinguished. */
        /* The original strand is CCCACCCCACTT. */
        /* The current strand is identical or the reverse complement AAGTGGGGTGGG. */
        /* This depends on the parameters reverse and complement of the setNucleotides-method. */
        out.println("The original NT sequence is "+p.getNucleotidesAsString());
        out.println("The NT sequence of current strand is "+p.getNucleotidesCurrentStrandAsString());
        out.println("The AA sequence is "+p.getResidueTypeAsString());
        out.println("You can request nucleotides at any position in the original or the current strand");
        /* By default all nucleotides code amino acids. */
        /* But the coding nucleotides can be set explicitly.*/
        out.println("The nucleotides 3, 4 and 5 are  coding. AAG => Tryptophan");
        p.setNucleotidesCurrentStrandTranslated(new boolean[]{false,false,false,true,true,true});
        out.println("The NT sequence is "+p.getNucleotidesCurrentStrandAsString());
        /* The three coding nucleotides make only one amino acid */
        out.println("The AA sequence is "+p.getResidueTypeAsString());
        /* There are four sequence: */
        /*   1. The original nucleotide sequence */
        /*   2. The nucleotide sequence of the current strand. */
        /*      Usually the same or the reverse-complement of the original one. */
        /*   3. The coding nucleotide sequence. The length can be divided by 3  */
        /*   4. The amino acid sequence. */
        /* The following demonstrates conversion of the coordinates. */
        out.println("You can convert  indices of the current strand to indices of the coding sequence");
        out.println("This is like conversion beteen genomic and mRNA positions");
                    +"  ( -1 means not translated)");
        out.println("You can convert indices of the current strand to indices of amino acids");
    private static StringBuffer concat(int ii[],int count) {
        final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
        for(int i=0;i<Math.min(count,ii.length);i++)
            sb.append(ii[i]).append(" ");
        return sb;