import charite.christo.strap.*;
import static java.lang.System.*;
  java   DemoProtein_residueSets a1_SaccharomycesCerevisiae.pdb
  This demo shows how to convert an expression residue positions into a boolean array.
  Example:   1-3,5-6 ==>  XXX.XXX....
  If the number is followed by a colon, then the PDB-residue positions is used.
  Example 4:A is the residue of chain A with the PDB-number 4
public class DemoResidueSubset2 {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        /* Make a protein instance. */
        final int OFFSET=1;
        final StrapProtein p= StrapProtein.newInstance(new File(argv[0]));
            final String s="2-3,4,5,9";
            out.println(s+" ==> "+toString(p.residueSubsetAsBooleanArray(s,OFFSET)));
            /* You can also refere to the pdb residue number and chain. */
            final String s="2:A-3:A,4:A,5:A,9:A";
            out.println(s+" ==> "+toString(p.residueSubsetAsBooleanArray(s,OFFSET)));
    private static StringBuffer toString(boolean bb[]) {
        final StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(bb.length);
        for(boolean b:bb) sb.append(b ? 'X' : '.');
        return sb;