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Acronym Full Name Score Rating Judge me Search
SCC squamous cell carcinoma 548 0 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinomas 114 1 good bad
SCC short-circuit current 90 -1 good bad
SCC short circuit current 37 -2 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma antigen 24 1 good bad
SCC squamous-cell carcinoma 20 1 good bad
SCC P450 15 1 good bad
SCC cell carcinoma 15 0 good bad
SCC side-chain cleavage 10 3 good bad
SCC small cell carcinoma 10 3 good bad
SCC squamous cell cancer 9 1 good bad
SCC squamous-cell carcinomas 9 -1 good bad
SCC short-course chemotherapy 8 -1 good bad
SCC small-cell carcinoma 7 0 good bad
SCC circuit current 5 -2 good bad
SCC Short Course Chemotherapy 3 3 good bad
SCC small cell carcinoma of the lung 3 2 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma related antigen 3 1 good bad
SCC cell count 3 0 good bad
SCC cell carcinomas 3 -1 good bad
SCC P-450 3 -2 good bad
SCC squamous carcinoma cells 2 6 good bad
SCC squamous cell type 2 3 good bad
SCC Schaffer collateral-commissural 2 2 good bad
SCC squamous cell cancers 2 1 good bad
SCC squamous carcinoma cell 2 1 good bad
SCC sickle-cell crisis 2 1 good bad
SCC side chain cleavage enzyme 2 0 good bad
SCC squamous carcinoma 2 0 good bad
SCC somatic-cell count 2 0 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma-related 2 0 good bad
SCC squamous carcinomas 2 -1 good bad
SCC squamous cell 2 -1 good bad
SCC short circuit 2 -1 good bad
SCC spontaneous cellular cytotoxicity 2 -1 good bad
SCC spinal cord compression 2 -2 good bad
SCC side chain cleavage 2 -2 good bad
SCC small cell carcinomas 2 -2 good bad
SCC standard conventional chair 2 -2 good bad
SCC small-cell-carcinoma cell lines 1 7 good bad
SCC small-cell lung cancer 1 6 good bad
SCC side-chain cleavage enzyme P450 1 4 good bad
SCC salt repletion increased cardiac index 1 4 good bad
SCC short-chain acyl 1 4 good bad
SCC spinocellular carcinoma 1 3 good bad
SCC soil column chromatography 1 3 good bad
SCC spindle cell carcinoma 1 3 good bad
SCC staphylococcal cassette chromosome 1 3 good bad
SCC squamous cells carcinoma 1 3 good bad
SCC small centrocytes with occasional centroblasts 1 3 good bad
SCC semicicular canal 1 3 good bad
SCC spinal canal compromise 1 2 good bad
SCC sites 1 2 good bad
SCC small caliber catheter 1 2 good bad
SCC squamous carcinoma cell lines 1 2 good bad
SCC surface-connected compartments 1 2 good bad
SCC pre-P450 1 2 good bad
SCC succinylcholine 1 2 good bad
SCC squamous-cell 1 1 good bad
SCC malignant 1 1 good bad
SCC squamous cell antigen 1 1 good bad
SCC short-circuiting of the whole tissue 1 1 good bad
SCC sodium copper chlorophyllin 1 1 good bad
SCC Schaffer collateral and commissural pathway 1 1 good bad
SCC squares analysis of variance of log2 1 1 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinomata 1 1 good bad
SCC small-cell 1 1 good bad
SCC skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma 1 1 good bad
SCC small cell (undifferentiated) carcinoma 1 1 good bad
SCC suggest that the translocation of P-450 1 0 good bad
SCC Sequamous cell carcinoma 1 0 good bad
SCC somatic cell concentration 1 0 good bad
SCC radio-sequencing of the processed P-45 1 0 good bad
SCC squamous cervical cancer 1 0 good bad
SCC squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin 1 0 good bad
SCC streptomycin hydrochloride-calcium chloride complex 1 0 good bad
SCC standard chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma 1 0 good bad
SCC CYP11A 1 0 good bad
SCC steroidogenesis-related genes P450 1 0 good bad
SCC succinylcholine chloride 1 0 good bad
SCC serum creatinine concentration 1 0 good bad
SCC squamous carcinoma of the cervix 1 0 good bad
SCC side-chain cleavage enzyme complex 1 0 good bad
SCC Siteman Cancer Center 1 0 good bad
SCC some cases of squamous cell carcinoma 1 0 good bad
SCC somatic cell count in milk 1 0 good bad
SCC small cell centrocytic 1 0 good bad
SCC sickle cell center 1 0 good bad
SCC short course regimens 1 0 good bad
SCC strongly inhibited the import of P-450 1 -1 good bad
SCC small-cell change 1 -1 good bad
SCC simethicone-coated cellulose 1 -1 good bad
SCC small-cell lung carcinoma 1 -1 good bad
SCC seven cases of squamous cell carcinoma 1 -1 good bad
SCC sickle cell crises 1 -1 good bad
SCC short-circuit 1 -1 good bad
SCC small cell 1 -1 good bad
SCC S-Carbamyl-L-cysteine 1 -1 good bad
SCC spinal cordcontused 1 -1 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix 1 -1 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus 1 -2 good bad
SCC sites of synthesis of P-45000000010000005 1 -2 good bad
SCC squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus 1 -2 good bad
SCC squamous cells carcinoma antigen 1 -2 good bad
SCC side chain contributions 1 -2 good bad
SCC Squamous cell related antigen 1 -2 good bad
SCC small cell bronchial carcinoma 1 -2 good bad
SCC small cell cancer 1 -2 good bad
SCC Spearman correlation coefficient 1 -2 good bad

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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002