Searching... please wait. You've got 14 hits!
* The results are ranked by score, rate the entry or search the entry by google or pubmed
Acronym Full Name Score Rating Judge me Search
ARB angiotensin receptor blockers 8 2 good bad
ARB angiotensin II receptor blocker 5 -1 good bad
ARB angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers 3 2 good bad
ARB angiotensin II receptor blockers 3 2 good bad
ARB angiotensin II receptor antagonist 2 4 good bad
ARB Ang II subtype 1 receptor blockers 1 8 good bad
ARB angiotensin type 1 receptor blocker 1 6 good bad
ARB angiotensin II type I receptor blockers 1 0 good bad
ARB angiotensin II type-1 receptor blocker 1 0 good bad
ARB area of reduced birefringence 1 -1 good bad
ARB atypical residual bodies 1 -1 good bad
ARB angiotensin II-receptor blocker 1 -2 good bad
ARB areas of reduced birefringence 1 -2 good bad
ARB adolescents engaging in risky behaviors 1 -2 good bad

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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002